Saturday, July 24, 2010

The Garden, The Lake, and Tatting

This lovely rose was a purchase made in error, but I have come to love it's colours, from deep orange buds to blooms with glowing yellows, touches of pinks, and gold.  It grows beneath a purple clematis.

This makes both flowers pop.
These black-eyed susans appeared on their own, but looked so nice against the shrubs and pink granite, I thought I'd keep them.

Last evening I sat on the dock, watching the loons diving for their supper, and coming closer and closer. I hoped to capture them on film, but the beaver appeared and charged towards them. They turned to flee, and swam towards the far shore. So I took these shots of the shadows and reflections in the water instead.

I have been tatting, although there's not much to show right now...just these bits and test tats and doodles. I'm working on some swaps and my 4 other 5zies, and I'll have to wait until later to post them.

Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. You are so lucky to be on a lake. Here we have lakes popping up all over but due to flooding. I enjoy your pictures of the lake. Plus your tattings look like flowers that have popped up as well. Love them all!!!

  2. I agree, it is wonderful to live near water I would love to have a dam that we could look over.

    I enjoyed the photos, and particularly like the is gorgeous.

    I wish I had learned to tat years ago.

  3. Yes, Bsotf, I am blessed to live by a lake, with its therapeutic, ever-changing nature, and creatures that abound. I sat on the west deck and tatted this afternoon while I had my coffee, listening to the birds, the swimmers, and the soft breeze in the trees. I am so lucky.

  4. Shirley, thank you for your visit, and your nice comments. The rose is a beauty, and so different than the rest of my garden which so far is mainly pinks and purples, and white. But, I blame it all on DH, who was helping me gather the plants I wanted. He's not even color-blind! But now it certainly does stand out from the rest.

  5. Hi Susan..lovely pictures..enjoy...
    colour changing roses are interesting to watch is itn't..
    loved your tattings as well...

  6. Hi Lakshmi, I'm glad you liked the pictures and my doodle-tats. Have a nice weekend.

  7. You always share such lovely photos! It is a pleasure to drop in and read about your latest forays into photography and tatting.

    Wishing that darned beaver hadn't been so bossy, as I have never seen a loon. Ah well, better luck another time.

  8. I think it might be a good thing that I don't live in such a lovely setting... I'd probably get even less accomplished than I do now! Thanks for sharing your beautiful photos, especially that gorgeous rose. Your tatted tidbits make a wonderful display!

  9. Isdihara, I too wish that beaver had been a little more placid, and left the loons alone. Since there are cottagers up this weekend, I probably won't have another chance to photograph the loons until the lake is more quiet. If I have the chance, and the pics turn out, I'll sure post them.

  10. Hi Diane, and thank you for your visit and lovely comments. I'm sure I spend far too much time watching the lake, and nature's of the perks of being retired! But it affords calm and time for reflection, and I sure need some of that in our crazy world. Have a great day!


I love to read your comments!