Sunday, July 25, 2010

Pictures to Share

This is a painting of the view taken through the porch windows at the old cottage. They had been fashioned from an assortment of second-hand, unloved windows someone had discarded. ( watercolour)

Poinsettias painted on a hot summer's day were later made into Christmas cards for family and friends. (Watercolour)

A waterlily in the bay. I love the petal's reflection in the water.

Interesting sky over the lake.

Yum! Time for lunch!
Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. Wonderful! I've been wanting to paint but can't seem to find the time block for it. Love your paintings....the window one especially.

  2. Glad you like my paintings, Gina. I should paint more often, too, but sometimes it seems a chore hauling out all the supplies, especially when it means cleaning off my desk first! Now, that really takes the time. Once I do get going, though, I wonder what took me so long to get back to painting. Too many irons in the fire, I fear.

  3. I like paintings like the one out of the window. Plus the ones of flowers too. However I must admit lunch with you is perfect! Not too heavy & just filling enough..LOL! Thanks for sharing lunch with us all.

  4. Those poinsettias are beautiful - what a lovely painting! And so clever to make cards from that image; I bet they were just wonderful.

  5. I'll share lunch with you anytime, Bsotf!
    Thanks, Jillayne, I love to set out the painting every Christmas time, as part of my decor. Unfortunately, due to budget restraints, I printed the cards on more stock, so I was never really thrilled with their quality. Wish I had had them printed on heavier stock. Oh, well, part of the learning curve.


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