Sunday, July 25, 2010

Just a Little Peek

I have been working on a 1:1 crazy quilt square with a special theme. I can't show you the whole square because:
a) I'm not yet finished
b) I don't know if my CQ partner reads my blog and I don't want to spoil the surprise if she does happen to check it out
So, I decided to tease you with a little sneak peek. And, yes, there is tatting!

 Several threads have been used : perle cotton size 5 medium turquoise, Caron Wildflowers, two similar colourways, one of which is Blue Lagoon,  metallic thread in dark turquoise.
I am pleased with how it has turned out so far.
There is a little bit of symbolism in my embellishments, as well as the use of some of my hand-carved stamps to create some patterns.

I shall post photos once it has been completed, and received. Sorry to be such a tease.

Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. Very interesting! I love the way the colors flow. Are those little Josephine rings? A tease won't be enough... you're going to have to treat us to a picture of the completed block some day!

  2. Thanks, Diane. Yes, those are clusters of Josephine rings. I think they're very effective to give that look of a flower cluster, such as a wisteria or lilac. The Caron threads have such a nice colour flow--I love them.
    I shall post a pic of the finished square once I have completed it.

  3. Thanks for visiting my blog, yours is a great blog

  4. Penny I'm so glad you stopped by, and that you like my blog. I do love your pics!

  5. Looks lovely,but looks complicated it?

  6. No, Deepa, it's really very simple.....just looks complicated. The flower sprays are Josephine knots of various sizes, and the 'leaves' are the same stitch just done in a chain and the length varied, sometimes using two threads, sometimes a fine thread over a thicker one. If you have any more questions about it, or if my explanation was not clear, you are welcome to email me.

  7. Amazing!!! Unbelievable how tatting can change the form by the use, I am truly fascinated with this finish. Look out, I just might use it somewhere :)))

  8. Your work is beautiful! I am not a tatter (about the only textile technique I haven't tried) but this is making me itch to give it a go! I love your colors as well, these are my favorites!

  9. I'm glad you like this Agasunset, and it would be great if you were to use this somewhere, no doubt shaped with your own wonderful style! I think the sharing and transforming of ideas, designs and patterns only help us all to grow as artists. Can't wait to see just what you do with this!

  10. Thanks for visiting, Threads! I know that you already knit, and I think you'd find it quite easy to needle tat, too, as the first half of the tatting stitch is like the easy cast on stitch for knitting. The colours I chose in the threads are gorgeous Wildflowers by Caron, such lovely colours and shading! They matched the main colours in the CQ I was embellishing brilliantly.


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