Saturday, August 14, 2010

5zie # 3!!

It was a blustery day, and large snowflakes were whirling about under a dark sky. Snowlady was feeling so cold and lonely watching the small clouds scuttle across the ominous grey.
' I know,' she thought to herself, ' I shall invite a friend for tea.'  And so she did. She sent a message with mr bluejay, and soon saw a happy sight from her kitchen window. There was her friend, Stan the Snowman, plowing through the snowdrifts, his scarf dancing in the brisk wind, black top hat pulled low onto his head, smiling as he thought of a nice warm cup of tea, and a natter with his friend.

This 5zie was created with a hand-knit base. Other fibers were added, topped with a bronze organza, and quilted onto felt. Stan was created with yarn couched onto the surface, his hat embroidered with  satin stitch, his mouth with  straight stitch, and french knots define his eyes and buttons. His scarf is eyelash yarn, and his 3-d nose is tatted with floss. 3 small tatted snowflakes were sewn onto the square.
I hope you enjoy a nice hot cup of tea, and a visit with a friend today, too.
Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. Gosh, Snowlady sure has good taste in Snowman! So do snowpeople do like we do when it's cold outside? Cause if they could coming to stay with them for sometime. Your house could be full of snowkids by spring. LOL! Sure hope your house can handle them all!

  2. Oh, Bsotf, you think of the funniest things! Can't you just see snowbabies piled up at the windows?! Hmm, would they take after their Mom and be lacy, or after their Dad and be fuzzy?

  3. Loven the whimsey!Is the weather changing already?
    Love snowman.Love the snowflakes.

  4. He is perfect - this is the best one yet. I love them all, but this is still teh best one yet! Can't wait to see what (or who?) comes next!

  5. Thanks so much Judy! I am having fun. The weather is changing already-- I've seen leaves falling, the sumac has begun to change to orange and red, and even some of the swamp trees' leaves are leaving the green behind. I'm afraid summer is soon ending.

  6. Hi Jillayne. Glad you like my Stan,too, as I think he's kinda cute! I'm working on the next 5zie, but so far, it's still kind of a surprise what's going to happen next. I have some ideas brewing.....


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