Wednesday, August 11, 2010

ATC's Sent and Received

Val Thomas received her ATC, so now I can post this:

When I learned that Val loved seahorses, I just had to tat one for her. Using two threads, a variegated green, 'Leafy' by Yarnplayer, and a DMC varigated blue in size 80, the seahorse was created, then sown onto a handknit base of varigated yarn that was quilted onto felt. I added a subtle layer of dark blue metallic thread to the background and air bubble beads. I'm so pleased that Val liked her ATC!

You may remember that I received this beautiful ATC from Val . She wrote that 'Neptune's Daughter' was created on dyed velvet, with hair made of scrim.   
Scrim? I had to look it up. Wikipedia wrote:
"A scrim or gauze is a very light textile made from cotton, or sometimes flax. Its light weight and translucence means it is often used for making curtains. The fabric can also be used for bookbinding and upholstery.

Scrims have also seen extensive use in theatre. The variety used for special effects is properly called sharktooth scrim. However, in theater a scrim can refer to any such thin screen, and are made out of a wide variety of materials. Scrim has a rectangular weave that is similar in size in its openings to a window screen.
Another type of scrim is called bobbinet / bobbinette, this material has a hexagonal hole shape and comes in a variety of hole sizes. It is used for a number of lighting effects in the film and theatre industries.
Scrim is also used in clothing, usually covering the face or head. This allows the wearer to see out, while preventing others from seeing in. This may also be combined with camouflage to completely hide a person, such as a sniper.
A scrim is also an integral part of the Beijing Olympic Stadium in Beijing. That was the screen running around the top of the stadium during the opening ceremonies on which all kinds of scenes were projected."
Wow. I learned something new today.

.....Dotti ..of Pieceful Musings sent me this gorgeous ATC in a swap. The colours are more vibrant than what you can see in this pic, and slightly more blue. It looks as though there is paper, fabrics, paint, dye, trims, glitter and metallic threads all put together to make this cohesive design. I love it! Thank you so much, Dotti!
Knowing that Dotti loved colour, I sent her this tatted flower. I used Yarnplayer's 'Nectarine" in size 30. It's on a background of hand-knit pink variegated, mohair blend yarn, with added textiles, covered with a layer of burgundy organza and quilted onto felt. I added green, silver-lined beads for the flower centre. 
To me it seems to shimmer with the hot colours. Sort of like our summer this year.
Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. Suztats,
    You have been really busy! I love your seahorse & flower, your friends are going to enjoy them alot too!

  2. Thanks, Bsotf! I am certainly enjoying my swap treasures!

  3. These are sweet ATC's. Your seahorse and flower are great. I have started getting ATC's as little gifts.It's amazing how much you can put on an ATC.

  4. Of course! Tatting! So, do you needle tat, or do it with a bobbin? My aunt did it with a bobbin and it made my head spin to watch her hands fly at it!

  5. Thank you Judy for your nice comments. I think ATC's would make wonderful little gifts, or gift tags. Yes, Dotti's had so much detail on the ATC she made, and I've seen others that are just so full. I'm having so much fun swapping!

  6. Hi Dotti, and thanks for visiting my blog. I needle tat. I took an evening class a few years ago, and have been tatting ever since. I haven't learned the shuttle, but I understand there is a flip involved, so hands and shuttles can fly pretty furiously.

  7. Thanks for popping over to my blog and leaving such a kind comment. I love your work -the colours are truly gorgeous. I have never tried tatting but it looks really heartwarming.

  8. Thanks for stopping by, Linda. I do love tatting-- it's so portable, and there are so many different styles from so few stitches. I usually knit in the winter, but tatting I can do all year long, as long as my hands don't get too damp from the humidity. Thanks so much for your comments!

  9. I like using scrim too, it is so versatile and fantastic for layering or creating ''ragged'' areas.

  10. I would love to try it, too! I'll have to see if I can find it online--I doubt I'd find it locally out in the boonies. It does look as though it would be very versatile and useable anywhere texture is desired. Thanks for visiting Karen.


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