Friday, September 3, 2010

Another Swap

Judy of Judy's Fabrications and I had a postcard swap. And here's what she sent me:
A wonderful Clown! Isn't it great? Everytime I look at this marvelous postcard, I smile! Wonderful fibers, metallics, beads, a fabulous painted face with the most realistic-looking eyes--Thanks so much, Judy! I love it!

It was my first postcard swap, and I sent Judy this:
On a background of green 'suede' material, I layered different fibres to give the impression of a garden, and covered them with a layer of organza, quilting them together. Since Judy loves colour, I then tatted flowers and leaves with Yarnplayer"s  'Garden Afternoon' in size 40, adding white seed beads in the centre. I then 'planted' assorted grasses at the base. I'm so happy Judy likes her postcard!
In fact, we both enjoyed swapping so much, we've decided to do it again! Yeah!
Hope you have a wonderful day.
Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz 


  1. Hi Suz,
    what a great swap, I love both cards, so many houers and love put into them, thay are both so lovely, and in gorgeus colors.

  2. Thank you Dorthe, for your visit and your kind words. It's a good thing both Judy and I love colour, isn't it? Hugs from Suz

  3. Suztats,
    They are both amazing! It's so great that you & Judy both got something to enjoy. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Thanks Bsotf! Judy made such a happy postcard, I smile every time I look at my clown.

  5. Hi, I think the face in your postcard is amazing, so detailed.

  6. Yes, Karen, it's a fantastic face! Judy's a wonderful artist, and I love the clown she made me!


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