Friday, September 3, 2010

Garden Surplus

My friends' gardens are bursting with bounty. Zucchini bounty. In one week, 3 huge zucchini's were dropped into my outstretched hands! So, what does one do with a ton of the stuff?
Make zucchini bread! And squares. And bbq'd zini, and roasted zini dip.......
Well, so far, I've just made the bread and bbq'd some herbed strips.

 The house filled with a fragrant aroma that was so enticing..........

we were tempted .

And enjoyed a little feast of warm zini bread with becel.... Mmmmmm.......Yummy!    One loaf to eat, and one for the freezer.

Here's a shot of the late afternoon sky over the lake. Look at those clouds!
Hope you have a wonderful day!
Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. Suztats,
    You are so lucky to have a neighbor who knows someone who can make such good things with things from the garden. One to eat & one to freeze...I thought it was so all of us could stop by for a taste. LOL! Love the lake picture too. Have a wonderful day!

  2. Any time you want to drop by for some zini bread, you are most welcome Bsotf! We could tat and eat and drink tea until we couldn't move! My friend gave me more zucchini. Wait til you see the size of them!

  3. Cool Suztats, We'll be full, have fun & be happy campers! What more could any one ask for? So I get the hint make Zini bread, some tea & let you know so we can tat together. But I still am looking forward to seeing the size of the next batch.

  4. A good cook too!!You have many talents Suz!!I bet the aromas coming from your kitchen were divine!! YUM!!!SOoooo glad you like your Gift!!!I'll post Monday!
    Judy X

  5. what a beautiful picture. and ''concoctions'' I love that word, thankyou fro reminding me that it exists!!

  6. You know what they say....."Jill of all trades and master of none" I like to play with all the toys!......Thanks, Judy! I'm so excited about winning your doll! Can't wait!

  7. Karen, that's one thing I've noticed about both the sky and water here: ever changing, and one reflecting the other. Thanks for visiting. Hugs


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