Thursday, September 23, 2010

Autumn Colours!!

It's now officially Autumn! I went for a walk today and marvelled over the fall colours. Won't you join me for a trek along the driveway, and into my garden?
First, the foyer table decorated for the season. Grab your jacket, and let's go!

Gold and orange leaves against the green. 
Chartreuse  and red leaves create shadows on the tree trunk.
Changing colours in the trees and shrubs along the driveway. 
Reds and golds and browns even in the weeds.... 

Look at those colours! 
So many different colours on one tree! I love those vibrant reds!
Even the shrubs are turning burgundy..... 
as are the peony leaves ....... 
 The Sentinel however, remains unmoved by the changes all around.

Thank you for joining me on my Autumn Walk! I hope you enjoyed the colour change. May this new season bring you much to enjoy. Happy Autumn!
Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. Suztats,
    Those are lovely pictures. Thanks for sharing your walk with all of us. Now you have worn us out, a drink is needed & a rest in your garden too. LOL!

  2. So, will that be tea or coffee, Bsotf? Or maybe something cool to drink. Have a seat, put your feet up, and take a deep breath of the crisp air. Aaaaah,.......

  3. Lovely photos Suz. Great to celebrate the changes in season.

  4. Vibrant colours on a sunny autumn day - what can beat that? Lovely Pictures.


  5. Thanks Judy! Yes, I love the white stuff yet, and almost no bugs!

  6. Welcome Puppet Lady! So glad you came to visit. I love your Mohair Mob, btw. Yes, fall is nice, especially sunny days and evenings on a new patio, yes? Hugs

  7. Beautiful fall colors, beautiful photographs and a beautiful property you have :) Only thing is, today is 27c in Stoney Creek so it must be for you too, and I "wish" I could wear a jacket to go outside. I hope we don't go from hot to bitter cold because I love the Fall :)

  8. Thanks Lynn! Yes, our temps went to 27C too, but the day before, when I took the pics, was windy and cold enough for a jacket. Wonderful Ontario weather! I love the fall, too, so I hope we ease through it over a long time. Hugs


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