Friday, September 24, 2010

Pieces of the Rainbow!

Linda of Chalky's World was celebrating her 1st Blogiversary, and decided to have a little giveaway based on the colours of the rainbow. I found a delightful package waiting for me in my mailbox.
Having told her I loved fuschia, she sent me this:

Ribbons and raffia and buttons----oh! My!
I love them Linda!
I can see the ribbons and buttons as embellishments on several special Blush to Burgundy CQ's I'm planning.
 Four shades of hand-dyed raffia fill the package, and the 4 buttons attached are heart-shaped.
Thank you so much Linda for brightening my day with these pieces of the rainbow!
Am I lucky, or what?
I hope your day has some bright spots in it.
Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. Oh Girl! Suztats, you are so lucky & getting really spoiled from such good friends! I'm going to wait right here at your blog to see what you make with this stuff..I'm please..LOL!

  2. Suz,
    a wonderfull gift, full of lovely,-and loving items, and the colors , fantastic.
    Have a great week-end.
    XO Dorthe

  3. What Gorgeous "yummy" things!!Don't you just LOVE parcels of Magic!

  4. well done! and such gorgeous colours...

  5. Thanks, Ladies!
    Yes, I sure am spoiled, aren't I? Bsotf, it'll be a while before I get to these luscious goodies, so, we'll make you a huge pot of coffee.....
    Dorthe, it was a wonderful surprise, as I'd forgotten all about the rainbow until I found that special envelope in my mailbox. I love fuschia! Well, actually I love all colours, but this is a favourite......
    I do love magic parcels, Judy, and I received yours last night! I'll be posting about it , soon....Talk about magical!
    Thanks, Karen! It seems it's a lucky time for me lately. I'm so enjoying it!


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