Wednesday, September 29, 2010

More Colours of Autumn

I thought I would share a few shots, taken during this past week, of the vibrant colours in and around our home and along the driveway . I think the colours are near their peak. Although the yellows and golds may yet intensify, some of the trees, especially the reds and burgundies have lost half their leaves. Hope you enjoy.


  1. Gorgeous colors! Beautiful trees. I miss the Fall season. The desert always looks the same. And my 11 year old commented the other day that everything is the same color all the time. The past few days of dust haven't helped with the colorless situation. :/ Best wishes, Tammy

  2. Thank you, T! I think I would miss the changing of the seasons if I was living in another country. I do hope the dust clears and the sunshine is returned, but perhaps not with such high temperatures as you've had recently. Thanks so much for visiting.

  3. Just beautiful to see all the colors change isn't it?

  4. It is, Lynn! It marks the change of the season, but gives us a little eye candy before the grey of winter. Hugs


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