Saturday, October 2, 2010

Another Painting or Two, or.......

My friend Shirl and I decided to paint together during her recent visit. We began with a limited palette of 2 colours, added water to the paper in a random fashion, sploshed on paint, squirted water, dabbed, tilted, spritzed, sprinkled salt, and repeated the process until we saw something in the dried paint.
And I forgot to take pictures at this point!  Waaah!
We began to develop what we had seen in our paintings. My friend had never begun a painting in such an abstract  way before, but check out her work! I think it's fabulous!
Still in the beginning stages, she left her painting for me to complete! Having just moved, all her art supplies are packed. Gee, I hope I don't wreck it! I already have a few ideas percolating! This is going to be fun!

This is what I spied in my paint dabs. Shirl said it was evil! ;-) I saw a dragon, with flames spurting from the nostrils.......But a funny thing happened on the way to the dragon..-- it morphed into a wolf!   I still have to develop the left side of the paper and play with what's already there. Perhaps I'll add another colour........What do you think?
Well, now there are three painting experiments in progress! How I love to play!
I hope you have fun playing, too.
Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. Suztats,
    Those are some wonderful paintings! Yes, I saw the wolf right away. Plus her's looks like the plantes. Which both are breath taking. So glad that you & your friend had a blast together!

  2. Thanks, Bsotf, we did have a lot of fun painting together. I get to have more fun adding to the paintings. Have a great weekend!Hugs

  3. Suztats.... these are just wonderful... I admire your carefree abandonment, something I don't think I could do because I am more of a realist... almost worth giving it a try though, but I definitely don't think mine would turn out as wonderful as these. Lovely, lovely job! Hugs.

  4. I spied those circle shapes and it reminded me that one of my favorite classes was about negative space and we used circles, any kind, like lids from containers, to get started. Very similar to what you are doing. I seem to remember ending up with a gnome of some sort in a bubble along with other things. For that reason alone, I know you both had great fun!

  5. Hey Heather, it's such fun to try this, and, you know, yours could turn out even better! Hugs

  6. We certainly had great fun, Gina! This was Shirl's first time trying this technique. Didn't she do fabulously?! How did your gnome turn out? Hugs

  7. Suz, this is fantastic,
    turning a splasch of two colors, into this dramatic woolf portrait, is only something possibly,because you are a wonderfull artist.

  8. What a very kind thing to say, Dorthe! I'm still playing with it, so it may yet turn into mud, or something altogether different! I am taking pics at different stages, so I shall post them in future, mud or not. Hope you are feeling better. Hugs,


  9. This is amazing Suz. I'm going to morph this idea into an art quilt by starting with wet fabric and fluid textile paints When I discover what I "see" I'll free motion embroider it. Thanks for a really good idea!

  10. That sounds like a whole lot of fun, Dotti! I hope you'll share your progress on your blog! I'll look forward to seeing what you discover! Hugs


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