Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Fiery Sunset

Where we live, surrounded by granite hills and towering trees, we seldom see sunsets.
The other night, we had a fine show that lasted for almost ten minutes. I wanted to share these 3 pics with you.
It looked as though the forest was on fire!

such a variety of colours

What a glorious ten minutes!
Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. Suztats,
    Thankyou for sharing these amazing pictures with all of us! Now this winter when it's cold & storming out, we can look at them & pretend that we are sitting by a camp fire. Have a wonderful day!!!

  2. And it's warm enough to sit outside and enjoy it! Lovely pics!

  3. Suz, fantastic photoes, even more beautifull, than the ones I cought last week- so much power ,so much color, and beauty.
    Thanks for showing, dear.

  4. Thanks everyone for your comments. We were amazed with the sunset....guess it will have to hold us for a while. Hugs

  5. Now there are three wonderful embroidery colour schemes in those great photos. Nature's palette is always perfect. You are a very good photographer.

    Also love the tatted fringe, the threads you have used are really good...will suit whatever you put with it.

  6. Gee, Shirley, that would certainly be a tough challenge to replicate the sunset in thread! I do like to take landscape photos, but I credit the camera--a wonderful gift I received. Glad you like the tatting, too. Hugs

  7. Lovely photos, Good sunsets are always worth remembering.

  8. That's so true, Penny. I just hope I don't have to wait another 4 years for the next one! Hugs

  9. Thanks, Max! We don't see sunsets here usually, so it was truly special. Hugs

  10. Glad you managed to capture your special sunset.

  11. Yes, it would have been a shame to miss those glorious 10 minutes, or to not have a camera at hand. Luckily DH spotted it, and let me know. Hugs

  12. Pictures like these take my breath away...thanks for sharing Suz...it gives us all a wonderful look at a glorious sunset!

  13. They certainly make me stop to marvel at the beauty of nature and God's paintbrush. I'm glad you liked it, Dotti. Hugs


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