Thursday, October 28, 2010

Painting Experiment #1 Results

I was experimenting with different techniques and watercolours to see what might happen. I even added a little acrylic paint, too. I used salt, cheesecloth, platic wrap, wax, and layers of paint.
The result was a failure overall,

although there were a few sections I really liked. Like these:

So, what do you do with a painting that doesn't work? I could have turned it over and painted on the reverse side, but, ummm, I already did that.  Perhaps adding gesso and painting over with acrylics in inks or paints? Or giving the painting a 'bath' or 'shower' to remove some paint might work, too.
Using a large quilting ruler, I ripped those sections I liked from the watercolour paper, and played with gold and black pens.

Adding more details with paint, pen or ink, stamping, or personalizing them are options. Here are some of the cards I made:

I attached the painted shapes to off-white card stock. Some are abstract, and some have recognizable elements.

What do you think?  Do you have a favourite?

There are still some interesting areas remaining on the watercolour. Perhaps I'll make a few more cards. Or gift tags,.....or paper collages,.........or?
What would you do?

Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. Wow, that was Creative of you Suz to separate the bits that worked well.using the pens is good too. I think I might play around too, as I just bought two blank jornals for" Art Journals". They seem a bit daunting with their pristine white pages. Have you seen teesha Moore's You Tube videos on painting and printing in Art Journals? I found them very helpful.

  2. Suz I would keep doing what you have done --I think they are wonderful.
    Sometimes the overall picture is lost as one but once you cut them up into individual pieces they become works of art on their own.
    My favourite is the bottom right hand one that says Birthday wishes for you.

  3. Suztats,
    On the one with the leaves, there's a polar bear. The one with the flowers there's a little girl. They are so great! I like the whole thing when it was together too.

  4. Suz, what great works of art you have created...It is wonderful to look and find all the extra images that were "accidents" within the images. These could be framed and they would sell in a flash.

    I love the absolute freedom of the artwork

  5. Hi Judy,
    I hope you have lots of fun playing in your art journals. I know well that 'White Paper Fear'.....just have to jump in, and begin, as you know. Will you be doing some of your fantastic Zentangles in your journals?
    I've been to Teesha's blog. She is one very talented lady! I'll have to check out her vid's. Hugs

  6. Thanks so much, Doreen! Glad you like my wee art bits. Hugs

  7. Hey Bsotf,
    Isn't it wonderful how everyone sees something different in art? I think that's part of the appeal, especially in abstract. I'm glad you like my experiment. Hugs

  8. Thank you, Shirley! I'm glad I was able to find those happy accidents and use them. Wish I'd thought of this before---I'd have saved so much watercolour paper from going in the recycle bin!
    I'm finding these 'free-form' exercises really loosen up my painting. It helps me to 'see' things differently, too. Hugs

  9. Suz,
    Doing this cuts, gave you a bunch of wonderfull small artpieces, I think they are gorgeus and so happy all- my favorite are the one with the leaves- so fantastic colors-

  10. Thank you Dorthe! Doreen liked the one with the leaves, too, and it is already promised to her. Do you have a second favourite? Hugs

  11. Susan they look wonderful..if to pick favourite twin leaves is the one.
    ur comments on my beaded bracelets gave an idea to make tussels so just typed tassels in google search and find many beautiful beaded tassels..definitely will make few but after festival..thank you for ur kind suggestions

  12. Hi Lakshmi! That card seems to be everyone's fave, but it's going in the mail to Doreen. Is there another you might like to have? If so, please email me and I'll send it to you.
    I'm so glad if my comment sparked an idea! That's what's so exciting about blogging---the sharing of ideas and creating sparks! Hugs

  13. Suz, these are gorgeous!!!!!!!!!
    Hugs, Diane

  14. Thank you Diane for visiting my blog and leaving such a lovely comment!

  15. Now that is neat! I love the idea - if you don't like it all together, bust it up and let each part be itself. Very, very creative. I like all of them and love a few - some really shine on their own!

  16. Thanks, Jillayne. I think it's my practical side coming through......I don't like to toss out anything that can be used or recycled. Hugs

  17. All of your cards are stunning and I love the one you sent to Doreen. The colours you worked in are gorgeous. To get possibly twelve beautiful cards from a 'failed' painting sounds like a success to me!

  18. Thank you Heather! If you would like a card, please send me an email with your addy and I'll be happy to send one to you. I enjoyed checking out your blog and love your knitted bits (such gorgeous colours!) and I love your felted hearts. Hugs


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