Monday, October 11, 2010

Surprise Package

I found a package in the mailbox Friday, from my friend Shirl.
She sent me this:

Printed in 1944, it cost only 15 cents! Although it contains mostly crochet patterns, there are several tatting patterns I want to try.

And this pretty bag contained:

I opened the wrapped tissue paper and found these

Hankies! Beautiful hankies!

 See all that lovely lace? And embroidery and  cut thread work?

In all, there are 16 hankies! They range from 8" square to 12" square.

It looks as though they have never been used, and are in perfect condition except for two which have some tiny tears in the fabric. They look so delicate, and dainty. Shirl told me they came from her aunt, and now they were for my CQing.
Wow! Shirl, you're the Best! Thanks so much!

I hope you find nice surprises in your mailbox.
Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. Gosh Suz, some TREASURES have been finding their way to your house!! Those lovely hankies...!!

  2. Wowie Suz aren't you a luckie girl--love the lace on the hankies.

  3. Suz, that are wonderfull treasures-those old beauties are surely special, -you lucky girl, with sweet friends, -the best a woman can have,in life....

  4. Oh my, lucky you, those hankies are just so delish! Hugs.

  5. Aren't they just fabulous, Judy? It sure was a lovely surprise!
    Yes, Doreen, I have been so very lucky lately!
    Dorthe, a good friend is a priceless gift, and Shirl is a wonderful friend!
    They are so delish, Heather, I'm having trouble just thinking about using them for CQing! It seems a crime, somehow, to cut them up.

  6. Suztats,
    You do have a wonderful friend in Shirl! To get that beautiful book & all those sexy hankies, is a true blessing! Congrats!

  7. You should cherish both your friend and the hankies! What a perfect gift. Ingrid

  8. Thank you Bsotf and TattIngrid, I know I am blessed to have such a good friend, and I shall think of her each time I use one of the hankies! Hugs

  9. What gorgeous old hankies! So fine. Some of them are just begging for a tatted edge. You can put your tatting skills to good use here!
    Fox : )

  10. They are gorgeous, Fox, but most already have lace, and the others are a little too fragile to hold the tatting, I think. The book has a hanky edging in it, so I may re-think it, and try some. Hugs

  11. Gosh, those hankies are beautiful! What a gift. I got a big bag of 'stuff' from my Auntie including masses of buttons, old threads and sewing paraphernalia and then she produced a bag of fabric that she no longer wanted and amongst the oddments I found a beautiful off white textured silky/satin that my Mum recognised as the left overs from her wedding dress! She had made it herself all those years ago in the 60's. I forgot to ask her what the actual fabric is.

  12. Wow!! Love those hankies!! Will you be cutting it up? ...sigh!! my heart breaks thinking of it :(

  13. Wow! Aileen,it sounds like you got a bag of beautiful memories to re-purpose in your own art! Isn't it a lovely gift when that happens?

  14. Ah, Deepa, I feel the same way! I haven't been able to cut any as of yet. Maybe I could cut 1 of the ripped ones, does seem a shame....

  15. oh my goodness.....getting palpitations over here looking at those hankies!! exquisite!!

  16. Karen, you should have seen me when I opened up the package! Shirl said she was sending me some 'bits', and since she quilts, I thought she meant some bits of her quilting fabrics! Was I ever surprised! Hugs


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