Thursday, October 14, 2010

Yarn Tale

Truth be told, I'm not spinning a yarn.
But this post is about yarn. A tote of yarn my generous S-I-L gave me the last time we got together for a visit.
Here's the tote:

And here's the beautiful, soft, delicious yarn:

I've already used some of the white, ribbon yarn on a special project. But I can't share just yet.

I think the stars must be aligned just right for generosity of spirit: I have received so many lovely gifts lately, and met wonderful people, that I am feeling especially blessed.

I hope your day is filled with Blessings.
Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. Suztats,
    You are blessed in many ways. We're just lucky to share the joy with you!

  2. I am blessed, Bsotf, and give thanks every day for all the blessings I receive. Whether for wonderful friends, sunshine, or my dog's wagging tail, such blessings help me keep the glass-half-full perspective. I hope you have many blessings, too. Hugs


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