Thursday, January 6, 2011

Another Scarf

 I wanted to knit another spiral ruffled scarf, and see how a different colour yarn on the first and last rows of the pattern would affect the wave. So here is BobE.
 Single wrap

Double wrap

What do you think? Do you like it better with the extra colour?

I like the way it emphasizes the spiral. I might just do a few more, since I have tubs of yarn to play with.

Hope your day is filled with colour.

Thanks for visiting.

Hugs from Suz


  1. Whow, you have made nice scarves! I'd wear this one with a double wrap. Great inspiration!

  2. This is so gorgeous and elegant, Suz!!! I've wanted to make one out of lace but keep forgetting to put it on my ever-growing to-do list!

  3. It looks beautifull Suz,
    I wish I did knit a little bit more, but in the evening my hands and fingers are so tired, from working all day, in my studio, so only now and then, I start something.
    XO, Dorthe

  4. Thanks Tattingrid! I like the double-wrap, too. Hugs

  5. Diane, I really like this pattern since it's so easy to make. It does take a bit of time, though. Thanks for your lovely comment! Hugs

  6. Thank you Dorthe! I didn't knit very much while I was working, but now that I'm retired, I have a bit more time. Hugs

  7. A very pretty scarf, Suz. I don't like knitting scarves much as they're rather boring to knit. Adding an extra colour keeps the interest up when knitting, and wearing!

    Happy New Year


  8. Hi Suz. Love the ruffle scarf. I think the extra colour does emphasise the spiral. It's great when we find something to work on that can be made in many different colourways isn't it : ) Thanks for visiting my blog today. My day was certainly filled with colour : )

  9. Thanks Janet. I know you are an amazing knitter, but I'm not that accomplished, so scarves are still great for me to do since I knit while watching TV. Maybe someday I'll improve on my skills and up the difficulty. Hugs

  10. I agree, Aileen, that playing with colour can be a lot of fun! Thanks for dropping by and leaving such a nice comment. Hugs

  11. My gosh girl - your talents are endless! I love the extra color it really gives it a bit more dimension. Wish I had more time to really learn more about knitting but I've only got 10 fingers and you know what they are usually working on LOL!

    BTW - Happy New Year! Wishing you a wonderful year ahead with lots of creative endeavors!

  12. Aw,gee,thanks NickiLee! I know your fingers are dyeing lace, and sewing quilt squares, and making CQ pillows, and embellishing CQ's, and beading, and your fingers are always busy creating, too! Happy New Year, my friend. I wish a wonderfully creative year for us both! Hugs

  13. Suztats,
    That color really brings out the colors in his eyes! Well, when you live in cold country,,scarves are a huge must to have. I love to see the ones you make!

  14. Hi Bsotf! You're so right, it does bring out the deep brown of his eyes!Thanks for the smile! Hugs

  15. You've been busy! just catching up, as usual. Thanks I did have fun, & lots of color!I like the added color & you're so good to get beyond the frustration & try to work the problem out.

    Have a happy new year with lots of color!


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