Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Tuesday Tats

It's Tuesday, and I've been tatting!

"Astrid" edging tatted in Yarnplayer's 'Peace', size 40

I'd purchased several tatting books last fall, but, other than leafing through the books, and drooling over the pics, I had done nothing.

Since it's the beginning of a New Year, I thought it was time to start tatting from my new books.

I chose to begin with this book, "Tatting Patterns and Designs" by Gun Blomqvist and Elwy Persson, and the fourth pattern entitled "Astrid". I liked the way this edging looked, reminding me of dancing clovers.

What I found as I tatted this pattern was that the joins did not specify where they were to join, so I had to refer to the picture in the book. Tonking followed.
A lot of tonking, (un-tatting)

When I came to repeat the portion of written pattern, there were omissions of joins, and the joins were not indicated. I tried to figure them out as I went along, but,..........tonk, tonk, tonk.......

 I then grabbed a thick yarn and heavier needle to re-tat the pattern and see if I could work it out as I went, and record the proper joins. I guess I'm not very good at that, as more tonking ensued, and still there were errors. It's frustrating when I can't see where I should have made a join until three rings later. sigh.

Are patterns often written in this way?
If so, I'm not a fan.
Perhaps there was an error in this pattern, and I was just lucky to chose this one first?  Ha!

I shall try the next edging, and see if I have a better result.

 In the meantime, I've been creating more cascades of tatted JK's for a project I'm planning. They're easy to tat while DH is driving, or while I'm watching TV. In various shades of white and off-white, I'm hoping they'll add lots of texture to my project.

Have you been tatting?  I hope you've had better luck with your pattern, than I did.

Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. I can't help Suz because what I know about tatting would fit on th head of a pin.
    I do like your cascades though very beautiful.

  2. I have that tatting book, and I love to go through and read it. However, I don't think I've ever tatted anything from it because I find those kinds of directions so confusing. I know many tatters will sketch out the design before beginning so that they can see how it works. That's what I'd probably do.

    Your Josephine cascade is gorgeous! There's another "why didn't I think of that" ideas!

  3. The cascade is beautiful!

    That is a terrific book and I have found that once you tat a few - even the little motifs - you get a feel for the way the book is written, and the patterns become easier to follow.

    I cannot believe I just wrote that! Me - the directionally-challenged, dyslexic! What a great way to start the year! I am so glad your post caught my attention. Thanks!
    Fox : )

  4. Thanks Doreen! The cascades are fun to do, and each one only takes about an hour. Hugs

  5. Hi Diane, that's a good idea to sketch it out. I didn't realize until after I'd started tatting that the whole pattern wasn't there, and this is the first time I've found this to be so. I'm new with using non-beginner tatting books, so I guess there's a learning curve I hadn't anticipated. Glad you like my cascades. Hugs

  6. WooHoo Fox! Happy New Year! Isn't it great when we realize an accomplishment?
    Thanks for your post. I'll have to practice more, I guess. I'd not found a pattern written this way before, but, I've only used beginner patterns, so I've got some more learning to do. Hugs

  7. Thank for reminding me to do some tatting! I haven't tried it while I'm watching TV, but I will. I can knit and crochet while watching, so why not tatting. Your cascades are pretty.

  8. Thanks Annet, and Happy Tatting!

  9. as far as I'm concerned the main purpose of books is as drooling fodder!! You are not alone..

  10. I do lots of drooling, Karen. You're right about the stimulation and inspiration books provide. Hugs

  11. The pattern may have been a challenge, but your samples are lovely. I never did manage to tat. Thanks for commenting on my blog.

  12. Thanks, Sandy. It's never too late to learn tatting! Hugs

  13. I love those little tatted JK's (not that I know what it means) and your trees are amazing!

    Jacky xox

  14. Thanks Jacky! I sent you an email about the JK's. Glad you like them and my trees. Hugs


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