Saturday, January 1, 2011

Finish the Old, Begin Anew

I like to knit in the winter, the yarn warm on my lap, the rythmic click-click of the knitting needles marking the passage of seconds. Since I usually knit while I watch TV, it has to be fairly mindless knitting. I'm not very accomplished, but I like to keep my hands busy, so I knit easy stuff such as scarves, or afghans, something where I really don't have to pay much attention. I knit a lot of scarves. But, being lazy, I don't often do the finishing. sigh.
Since I'd been ill the two weeks before Christmas, I didn't get all my Christmas knitting finished. The last week found me knitting up these.

Spiral Ruffled Scarves

I had a basket filled with scarves that needed finishing. Every time I walked past, it niggled at me. All spring they nagged, all summer, too. Into the fall. So, I finally decided I needed to finish the scarves, and doing that as the year came to a close seemed appropriate.
The basket was overflowing:

9 scarves, all different. Some have been created with one yarn, but several have two or three yarns knit together for added warmth and texture.

I love the texture of this scarf: knitted with three different yarns, and using two white yarns of different scale, it seems to shimmer. I love how the colours peek through the white.
I spent New Year's Eve finishing off the scarves,  and hung them with the two ruffled scarves over the back of our love-seat.
I've finished the old, and now I'm on to the new:
perhaps another ruffled scarf, or two.
Hmmmmn. Now what am I going to do with all these scarves?
Thinking of plans for the New Year, I would like to be a little more focused with regard to my art. I'm planning to have Tuesday Tats and An Inspiration Sunday in regular posts.
At least, that's the plan.
Here's hoping the New Year brings each of us many Blessings.
Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. Good job. All old projects finished and time to focus on something new. Hope there will be some tatting too...??

  2. THese look great and look like you've got Christmas 2011 all sewed/knitted up. Must be a lovely feeling. Happy New Year

  3. Oh, yes, Tattingrid, check back on Tuesdays for some tatting. Hugs

  4. Thanks Jill, and yes, a nice feeling of relief to complete these scarves. Hugs

  5. Suz you've been busy knitting so many beautiful scarves, Happy New Year.

  6. yes finish the old! happy new year suz

  7. Happy New Year Suzand well done on the scarves

  8. Happy New Year! Good for you that you finished those up, isn't it great when you cross those UFO's off your list?!!

    Wishing you a wonderful, creative New Year!

  9. I'm guessing there will be some lucky recipients over the year of those scarves! Happy New Year!

  10. Thank you so much for your lovely comments! Wishing everyone a wonderful New Year!

  11. boy you've been busy and I love your ''model''. A very handsome chap!!

  12. Hey Karen,

    I found my model in a gallery years ago, and fell in love with him. I liked the fact that his face was neither perfect, nor symmetrical. He also reminded me of a family friend, so I call him Bob E. He's the perfect model--he can hold a pose for just ages, and never complains, no matter what I ask him to wear! lol


  13. Suztats,
    Bob E. is a very handsome looking manly man! He just love your scarves. Love all the colors of them! Happy New Year's!!!

  14. Thanks Bsotf! And Happy New Year to you and yours. Do you suppose that being such a manly man, Bob E gets upset being a scarf model? lol


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