Thursday, February 24, 2011


 I stained some laces in a tea/coffee mix.

Wonderful bits of stained lace for some upcoming projects.

What have you been doing?

Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from SuzPosted by Picasa


  1. These are beautiful, well photographed and laid out also, good idea tea dying. I feel inspired to look at my white collection of fabric

  2. Thanks Jill. It's interesting how the different laces came out different shades of coffee/tea, since they all percolated together. I haven't stained other fabric this way yet, but I'm sure it'd be fun. Hugs

  3. I will have to look at some of my laces and see what I could tea dye. Must make sure not to add milk and sugar!!!

  4. Nice. I have dyed with tea, but never coffee. Strange that you would mix the two... How did that thought come to you?
    Fox : )

  5. That's true, TY. I do like the warmth of the coffee/tea staining. Hugs

  6. Thanks, Fox. I'd read somewhere that tea staining wouldn't last, but that coffee worked better, so I thought I'd try both. So regular coffee, and black tea, and then I threw in a bag of chocolate chai tea, too. It made the laces smell yummy! Hugs

  7. You almost make your lace eatable! It looks very nice. Never thought of dying my lace, let alone in this way! What a good idea. Guess it smells nice too!

  8. be still my beating very lovely.

  9. It does Tattingrid. My mouth was watering from the aroma while I was ironing them! Hugs

  10. Thanks, Karen. There's nothing like an assortment of lace, is there, unless, of course, it's beautiful embroidery! Hugs

  11. Hi Suz, they looks gorgeus -so many colors from one wash- I wish you happy work with all of the lovely stash.
    Suz , I have still no package from you dear,I so hope it is not delivered in a wrong place!
    Hugs, Dorthe

  12. Hi Dorthe. I love the variety. Sending you an email re the package. Hugs

  13. Hi Suz, your lace is wonderful and all in various shades,I'm sure you will make something beautiful with them.

  14. Thanks Anni! I have a couple projects in mind, but the rest will be put in my stash awaiting inspiration. Hugs

  15. The variety of colors you got from the same batch is amazing. They look great. I hope you'll share the final projects with us.

  16. Nothing as fun as that!
    I've been working at all projects, struggling with new ones and trying to bring order to chaos - bleah.
    I love all the different shades you got from your dyeing and can't wait to see what you conjure up with them!

  17. I hope to do that, Eliz. I was surprised at the colour variations, too. Hugs

  18. Thanks, Jillayne, I've been working on one item this weekend. Hugs

  19. What a gorgeous collection of laces Suz and even better once dyed hey? Looks like you have something wonderful in mind for them!

  20. Beautiful laces Suz ad a lovely range of colours. Look forward to seeing what you create with some of them. Have you tried dipping a few in 'raspberry' tea?

  21. Thanks, Suziqu! I love the softness that stained laces have, and how it seems to age them. I've been working on one project this weekend, and I have a couple other ideas. I'm looking forward to lots of play time. Hugs

  22. Hi Val. I'm working on a couple projects. I hadn't heard of using raspberry tea. Would it give the laces some aged pink tones? I have a sugar plum tea that has a lot of colour. I'll have to try that. Thanks for the wonderful idea! Hugs


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