Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Tuesday Tats

Tatted from Lynn Morton's "Tatting Jewellery", this motif, created with Yarnplayer's Luna, size 40, had crystals added to the picots.
 What do you think?
I like the design, and I love the Luna!

But, I'm thinking there's just too much bling.
I think I should remove all the bicones, re-tat this motif, and add some bling, but more judiciously.

I've started working on more Luna jewellery.

Have you been tatting?

Thanks for visiting.

Hugs from Suz


  1. The beads are beautiful, but they do look a little big for the tatting. Do you have the same color in something smaller? That looks like a book I need to add to my collection!

  2. Thanks Diane, for your suggestion. I hadn't thought the beads were too big when I tatted it, I just knew something wasn't right. It's so good having another eye see what I didn't! :-) I guess I was blinded by the bling!
    I don't have the same beads in a smaller size, but maybe a seed bead would work better. Hugs

  3. Id love to see it with seed beads also

  4. Hi Jill. I hope to have it completed for my next Tuesday Tats post. Hugs


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