Sunday, March 13, 2011

Sketchbook Challenge-- March

I joined the Sketchbook Challenge ( button on the right) and the theme for March is
Spilling Over
Since my art room is in the process of being painted, and most of my art supplies are packed away, Inspiration Sunday is postponed.
Instead, here is my first March Sketchbook Challenge:

a little bit quirky, perhaps, and simply executed with three pens and one pencil, but this is one idea I had when I heard the theme.
Hope you have a relaxed Sunday.
Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. I Love it!!!!! This is me spilling over with all the things going on in my head too, I think you did a wonderful sketch here.
    I bet you can't wait to get back in your studio. I am not painting mine but re organizing it, because since we moved here 6 months ago I just threw things wherever to get them out of boxes. Wonder what I will find when I clean it up?

  2. Look crazy, but a great sketch, and the idea of it!

  3. Suz, this is so much fun! So clever!!
    Also, love the little "banner" you made!

    Hugs, Diane

  4. I'm so glad you like it, Lynn! No doubt as you re-organize, you'll find treasures you forgot you had! Happy discoveries. Hugs

  5. Thanks Singtatter! Gee, with all those thoughts spilling over, I do look a little crazy! ( 'course, we won't mention that I look like that pretty much all the time......) Hugs

  6. Diane, this was a lot of fun to create and went very quickly once the idea popped. Thanks! Hugs

  7. This says it all Suz!!It is a two-edged sword to be creatuive isn't it?!!What ideas are you going to tackle first?
    I am a list maker, but this sketch is much more fun than a boring list!!
    Your room will look great with a fresh coat of paint.

  8. Hey Judy, I've always been a list maker, too. I've done some of the ideas already, but hope to do more of all of them. I am looking forward to getting my art room back, and wouldn't you know it, I ran out of paint today on the last wall! Well, it was only the first coat, and I may have to add another. we'll see. Hugs

  9. Thanks Karen! Now if I could only get a map of my mind............maybe I'd know what the heck I'm doing! lol Hugs

  10. Oh, that's just how I feel most days!

  11. Thank you for the kind comments that you left on my blog. Hope that you get to do all the things from your "head".

  12. That would be going in too many directions at once, Janet! Hugs

  13. I've already begun a few of those things from my head, and hope to do many more, Heloise. Hugs


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