Monday, March 14, 2011

White Piece Progress

Progress and changes in my white piece:
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I went a little quirky. What do you think of the woven picot leaves on this 'branch?

Too quirky and weird even for me so I removed all but one and added 'pearl' seed beads instead
              I auditioned a green shell heart.

Too green, I think. Off with it!                                                               
                                              blinged a white shell heart

 I love the 'sugar crystal' and the mother-of-pearl buttons. If you follow the line of buttons to the right, they end in a faceted donut crystal that blings all the pastel colours in the block.

Buttons and beads and crystal 

Seed 'pearls' added to the lazy daisy leaves 

C'est fini!!!

I love my White CQ!
I shall roll it in tissue paper until I can get to the framer.
What have you been creating?
Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. What an amazing bit of creativity! Love white/white.
    Fox : )

  2. Exquisite. The white actually shows off the details quite well. Congratulations on completing this amazing heirloom.

  3. Thanks Denise for such a nice comment. I think it's many years of different stitching that finally came together. Hugs

  4. Thanks, Fox! I'm challenged by the white on white, and this was a dry run for another white piece I plan to create. Hugs

  5. Thanks so much Createology! I'm now able to move onto white piece #2! Hugs

  6. Wow, Sus, your CQ is awesome. I like all the elements you'd added to it, esp the seed bead section!

  7. Beautiful!! Love the mother of pearl!!What's next?

  8. Dear Suz, it is a beautifull piece, that will be treasured, for years to come.Do you know where in your home it will hang? it is so lovely.
    Hugs, :)

  9. Thanks, Val! I love adding beads and bling! Hugs

  10. Deepa, next is an assortment of items, but also another white CQ block! The next onee will probably have more MOP! Hugs

  11. I had thought to hang it in my bedroom, but perhaps the art room would be a better location. I would see it more often and have it for inspiration. Hugs

  12. Gorgeous Suz, just beautiful! I love the way you have embellished ever corner and I like the leaves you did very much. All the perfect details and bits of bling really make this a stunning piece - make sure you show it framed too!

  13. Thank you Annet!

    Thanks so much, Jillayne! I'm so glad you like it. It may take some time to get it framed, but I'll post it when it's happened. Hugs

  14. Suz! I love your White CQ! You did a fabulous job on it and have inspired me to try one - you know me, I'm usually full force with color but your block is so pretty and eye pleasing. Thanks for sharing.

  15. Oh, Nicki Lee, what a wonderful thing to say! I'm chuffed you like my block, and I'm sure you'll have fun experimenting and playing with a white palette. There's one of your lace hearts on my piece. It arrived just in time! I'll be looking forward to seeing your creation!

  16. Looks as if you've been really busy, and had some sunshine as well. Your quilt is really beautiful and I hope you manage to find a lovely frame so that it can be appreciate and admired in your home.

  17. The sun was very nice, Janet, and makes the pics much better. Too bad it doesn't stick around!
    It'll probably take quite a while before I can frame my block as 'my framer' lives several hours away, and I don't often get there. Hope you have a wonderful day! Hugs

  18. Suz, your quilt is just gorgeous. The embellishments are absolutely beautiful, a real treasure.

  19. Thanks Shirley! It was a valuable learning tool for the next one! Hugs

  20. It is so elegant. Thanks for commenting on my blog.

  21. Thanks, Sandy, I think it's the white on white that makes it look that way, don't you? Hugs

  22. What a truely beautiful piece of crazy quilting
    Suz! Gorgeous work and detail!
    Love, Suzy

  23. Thank you so much Suzy! I've found it relaxing to work on, and a lot of fun! Hugs

  24. Thanks Karen. I enjoyed it so much.


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