Thursday, April 28, 2011

Amaryllis Bundle

My amaryllis bloomed: 4 lovely red flowers. Two were fading, and I plucked them from the plant.
My finger turned red, and I wondered........hmmm........maybe........why not?
 placed onto beige, brushed cotton

 adding white cotton

 folding over....oh, there's some colour already......a rich, blue-red
rolled up into a mini bundle

dampened and zipped into a bag

gently unrolled
adding flower #3

the bundle has been rolled and zipped, and awaits flower #4

the next flower should be ready tomorrow

I wonder:
how much colour will 4 flowers create?
will it spread through all the fabric layers?
will the colour be permanent?
fade when washed?
be bleached by sunlight?
has anyone else done this?
The experiment continues.........

Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. It sure does, Tattingrid! I wonder which ones will be discovered with the amaryllis bundle? Hugs

  2. Many colors it's taken from this an other flowers. There are naturals and you can tested with added salt when you washed it the salt do permanent but you can tested.
    Best wishes.

  3. Very cool.
    Fox : )

    p.s. LOVE the view... Makes me nostalgic.

  4. This is very interesting..I like the way the colour spread on the fabric which reminds me of tie and dye technique..I dont think the colour fades!!

  5. Hi Isa,and thank you for your suggestion. I'll try washing it in salt. Hugs

    Glad you like the view, Fox!

  6. I hope you're right Lakshmi, as it's a wonderful colour. It's percolating with the 4th flower now and I'm eager to see the results. Hugs

  7. Oh Suz, this is so beautiful- what a great idea to do this- and what a special and wonderful piece of fabric, you will have.

  8. Suztats,
    Congrats, you know how dyeing was done in the old days. You have a wide ray of colors to play with. You will have colors that most don't expect too. Have fun! I can't wait to see what all the colors you uncover. This is how I love to make dye for things. Just remember that colors aren't always as bold. But you will love it!

  9. I hope the result will be worth the wait, Dorthe, but it's a fun experiment.

    Thanks Bsotf. I guess it's all been done before......but not by me, so I'm having fun experimenting and we'll see what the result will be. I love to play! Just wait until I have some spring flowers....there may be more experimenting then! Hugs

  10. Suztats,
    You have so much more to have fun with is what I was saying to you. My email to you will tell you why I say that. So SMILE, you are in for alot more fun than you know & will decover many things others don't. That's what I ment & I hope you have fun. I can't wait to see what you come up with. Sweetie, you know I'm not one for negitivy but I'm one for positivity & you hit a gold mind on this subject. That's why I use colors together that others don't think of. Now do you understand,you will love doing this! I'm thrilled for you!!!

  11. lovely color- natural dyes are so wonderful...this is great. Thanks for sharing!

  12. Hi Katie and thanks so much for your nice comment on my blog. Your erosion bundles have produced some very interesting effects, and I've been thinking of trying one myself. Your postcard challenge with your Mother looks like a lot of fun! It's so nice you share a love of arts.

  13. how lovely and such a vibrant colour!!

  14. Thanks Karen. I hope it remains as vibrant once it dries. Hugs

  15. Firstly Susie congrats on your win over on

    When I did some dyeing many moons ago I would just throw the piece into the dryer and that was supposed to heat set the dye.

  16. Wonderful results Suz - you could even wrap the whole piece around a stick then tie it all over before putting it in the bag. India Flint is the most wonderful source of eco dyeing. Check out her blog and she has written a book all about her methods also
    Hugs, Suzy

  17. Thanks Shirley! I won? Yay! I didn't know that!
    I haven't tried the dryer, but I do use the iron to heat set. Hugs

    Thank you Suzy for telling me about India Flint: I'll be checking out her blog for sure! Hugs and enjoy the weekend!

  18. It looks like you are having such fun experimenting. It looks like you are geetting some great colors. I absolutely LOVE the view of your first image. It is gorgeous! Take care, Connie

  19. Oh I can't wait to see how this turns out and what the answers to your questions are!! Wonderful idea playing with the flowers! I have been doing this with my rusty bits, will have to look for more things to play with.
    Hugs, Stacie

  20. Rusty bits are fun, aren't they Stacie! I hope I have as nice results from this experiment. Hugs


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