Sunday, May 1, 2011

Sunday Inspirations May 1/11

Happy May 1st!
May the month of May be merry
And filled with sunshine!

Last time I created:

 Once dried, they looked like this:

I shall be creating cards with both little paintings.

My challenge this week:
card 1:-do a painting using only geometric shapes

card 2:-coat the paper with irridescent acrylic added to white gesso, keeping this layer thin. Paint with transparent watercolour over the gesso.
I couldn't find my gesso--it must be packed away. Instead, I mixed acrylic titanium white and irridescent silver on the paper.

The underpainting shows through slightly.

  With the silver-grey beginning, I decided to add cool tones in the geometric shapes.

 5 different shades of blue.
 Contrast in the orange rings and the solid ring .
some orange splatter.

I'm not sure if this is finished yet, or if I'll add some more detail.

Next week's challenge:
card 1:- paint an edifice--a barn, a shack, a house with character or any portion of the building that interests you
card 2:- paint using only primary colours

Hoping you're having a wonderful Sunday.
Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. I really like these circles. looks like a fun ongoing project!

  2. These are turning out interesting. I study your photos and wonder at the texture that may be appearing with them too. How neat to play with. So are you coming up with your own challenges to yourself?

  3. Suztats,
    Your pictures are amazing. The first one has an elk head in it. The secondone looks like under the water in a lake or a back spot where not many travle. The circle one is cool too. You will know when it's done, no matter what others say. Thanks for sharing them with all of us!

  4. Don't know what is so appealing about a bunch of circles - but, I LOVE this!
    Fox : ))

  5. Thanks everyone for your nice comments!
    Katie, I try to do this exercise every week, and it is fun!
    Stacie, I'm following "The Artist's Muse" by Betsy Dillard Stroud, a book and card kit to "unlock the door to your creativity", and each week I choose from three sets of cards that have instructions. I try to follow those instructions to create a new painting, and thus work outside my comfort zone and try new techniques. It's a fun way to get me painting more often.
    Bsotf, you see the most amazing things! I bet you like to lie on your back on the grass and watch the clouds, seeing wonderful pictures in their shapes and shading. I used to do that.
    I'm so glad you like it, Fox. Looks kind of like interlocked (tatted) rings, don't you think so?

  6. Looking good. I love your header, is this what you see every day? I am eco dyeing today, the pot is on and silk is rolled and leaves have been plucked and placed. Now to wait and see.

  7. Love the header too, specially that boardwalk!

    Great build up. Also loved the amyrilis dyeing. What's next?

  8. Thanks Penny. This is the sight I see looking out the south window of the sunroom, which is why some days nothing gets done around here! I'm too busy watching the fish jump, the sun diamonds glinting on the waves, the ducks turning bottoms up to feed in the shallows, and the blue heron standing statue-still in the bay, poised to find its dinner.
    Thank you, Emma, it does look like a boardwalk, doesn't it? That's our dock on the lake. My sister likes to lie there to get a nice tan when she's visiting in the summer. Hugs

  9. Suz your cards will be fantastic with these paintings, great view on your new header.
    Hugs Anni

  10. Thanks Anni. Hope you're having a sunny day(rain here, again :( Hugs

  11. Dear Suz,-
    you have a beautiful view, from your window- I also ,but the difference is big- yours is not an ocean, like mine is- I guess you have more quiet dayes, on your view- it is gorgeus-
    and I love your paintings, for cards,-and the painting with the rings, so fantastic with those two contrasting colors.


I love to read your comments!