Thursday, May 19, 2011

A Shopping Spree

My Darling DH spoiled me, and took me out for lunch and a shopping spree for a Mother's Day Treat. We had a Chinese Food Buffet, and I went to a fabric shop and a craft shop, and came home with these goodies:

Oh, I am making some plans for a new white CQ block, and for a 1:1 RR with a friend. I'm going to have me some fun!
Hope you're having some creative fun today, too.
Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. Woohoo! Looks like FUN is going to be had by Suz.Isn't it so NICE to shop for Goodies...!!
    Look forward to seeing what you make..

  2. What a lovely thing for your DH to do for you. This is the gift that truly means a lot for you and your passions.

  3. oh, yes! Fun indeed! I haven't gone shopping like that for a long time. But, the problem is that it was sooo much fun, I haven't stopped! I've ordered some thread, and several books, and more thread and a tatting book......and Pat's mag........oh my! ;-0
    Loving your Victorian Boots!

  4. You're so right! DH can be a thoughtful and loving guy. He's one of a kind!

  5. Can I borrow your husband for a day or two? LOL. I'll give you mine in exchange! LOL. Great buys!! :-D

    -Stephanie Grace

  6. Ummm, sorry Grace. He's mine! All mine!

  7. What fun Suz, I'm sure you'll create something fabulous with these!

  8. Janet, I have a few ideas percolating, and a few plans in mind. Can't wait to get started playing some more. Have a great weekend. Hugs

  9. Dear Suz- what a wonderful day, you had- and then also coming home with such a bunch of great and beautiful materials to create with, makes the day dubble fun--and I can se you can`t stop ,sweet :)
    Have fun with the books, and every other piece-

  10. Hello Dear Dorthe, and how nice to receive your comment. It was a lovely day, and I shall remember it each time I play with the materials and embellishments. Hope you have a wonderful weekend! Hugs

  11. These are the best kinds of gifts, aren't they! And all topped off after a nice date day lunch with your hubby! Bet you can't wait to get your hands on these goodies!
    Hugs, Diane

  12. Yes Diane, spending some time with DH on a fun adventure is a pleasure, and one I hope to repeat often. I'm starting on a couple fabrics this weekend..... ;-)

    It was Emma, a lovely day, and one I hope to repeat before next Mother's Day! lol

  13. Wow..I see DMC light effects.Hope you enjoy working with them,Suz.

  14. That would have been a fun have a lovely husband to take you on a shopping spree as well as lunch. I have some of that organza ribbon and it dyes beautifully.
    I like the musical fabric and all your lovely purchases. cant wait to see what you do with them..

  15. Wow! Whose a happy bunny then! Look forward to seeing how creative you get with all those beautiful goodies - and no calories either!

  16. Deepa, I sure hope to have fun with the threads on several upcoming projects.

    Shirley, DH can treat me anytime! I saw the musical fabric and I just had to have some I loved it so much. There'll be some on the new white piece.

    I am! I am, Val! Gonna be some creatin' goin' on one of these days...


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