Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Travelling Tats

While travelling to the city, I kept my hands busy (no, I wasn't driving! ) by tatting a few doodles:

I liked this one so much, I added to it:
It has a lot of motion, I think, and although the pattern repeats itself, it doesn't look exact. I know that some people won't like it because of that, but to me it has an organic feel to it.       It's a little strange: kind of like me. lol
It's just chains and JK's.
What do you think of this doodle?
Hope you're having a creative day.
Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. I think it's beautiful! Wouldn't it make a great coral reef scene in a variety of colors? Or perhaps it could be moss or leaves on a tree, a field of clover, decorations for a bride's bouquet...

  2. Hi Diane,
    I'm so pleased you like my tat! I hadn't thought of a coral reef, but I think it would be perfect for that! Funny you should mention a bride's bouquet, as this will probably be added to a white CQ block I'm making for a new bride. Hugs

  3. I laughed thinking of you doing that whilst you are driving!! Can you imagine??

  4. Suz your doodles are so beautiful and so many things they can be used to.

  5. Your free form doodle tats are wonderful. This is a great way to ride along in the car. I used to hand sew teeny tiny little stiches...lots of needle pricked fingers on bumpy roads. Diane has the best idea of coral reefs. It will be superb on a white CQ for the bride. Happy tatting...

  6. Organic..good word for it, I like the look. I hadn't thought of coral but that would be great in a variegated blue or green... I was thinking moss too or in variegated browns maybe mushrooms or tree bark. Lots of ideas!
    Odd question for you though.... was does JK mean?

  7. Hi Anni! I'm pleased you like my doodles, and you're right to suggest they can be used in many ways.

    Thank you Createology! I agree that Diane has a fab idea using the design as coral! I know someone who loves making undersea CQs, and it would look wonderful in a varigated blue/green thread. It's a good thing the tatting needle has a dull end, or I'd be looking like a pin cushion! Out in the country, we have lots of bumpy roads. Happy creating!
    You're right Stacie! A blue/green varigated thread would be perfect for the coral in an undersea block. Or orange/red. And I like your idea of bark, and moss, and.......

    It's not an odd question: in tatting JK stands for a Josephine Knot, which is a ring made with either the 1st half of a double stitch repeated, or the 2nd half of a double stitch repeated. I usually begin mine with 1ds, then I usually use the 2nd half stitch which I write as an s, so it would look like R= 1ds, 12s cl R It makes a nice ring design. Hope that helps.
    Hugs and thanks for all the great ideas!

  8. Suz, I can see this on my latest Crazy Patch boots.What a great trim!
    Love your bird visitor.What a lovely spot you have.So tranquil in the midst of our tumultuous world.

  9. LOL! Suz, I'm so glad to hear you weren't driving at the time! =:-O

    XO Diane :-)

  10. Thanks Judy! Yes, I think it could work on your boots.Hmmm, like a muddy splatter, maybe. The Blue Heron visits us occasionally, stalking the frogs and small fish in the bay. It is a very peaceful spot most of the time.
    Oh Diane, I have a hard enough time just trying to drive with two hands! Tatting while driving? Never! LOL

  11. I really like it! My brain, though, went right to the thought of it being added to a painting --perhaps some watered down paints (Or not, depending on the paint type) could leave it with it's movement without flattening it while also allowing it to blend into the scene...? Then again, perhaps it's a pile of snow, a cloud, OR, if you look a different way, an angel. See the wings???

  12. I agree Stephanie, it could be added to a painting....hmm...maybe an oil painting, thick and in an abstract style. You've got me thinking. I didn't see an angel, but then, maybe I was looking at the wrong angle.
    Oh, now I see it!

  13. I love it too Susan, and i can also see a coral reef use for it if you were to drop colour onto the different parts and perhaps then.....and then....

    Oops got carried away creating from your work.

    happy tatting.

  14. oh, what a nice thing to say! Maybe I'll try it in a varigated thread: I haven't gotten into dying my tatting....yet. ;-) Hugs


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