Sunday, June 12, 2011

Inspiration Sunday June 12/11

Here are some pics from my garden:
 a few weigela blooms
 my weigela bush
 This iris was a complete surprise

My challenge for this week:
card 1:- coat your paper with a layer of irridescent paint added to gesso. Paint with transparent watercolor over the gesso.
card 2:- paint using red, black and yellow

I used irridescent silver mixed with the gesso, in order to create a contrast with the warm tones of the red and yellow over an old beginning.

a glob of gesso and a squirt of silver

Thinking it would be fun to add a bit of texture, I placed a piece of plastic wrap over the surface and smooshed it about, pressing with my fingers, and marking with my nails. I left it to set. Then I was distracted by some chores, and when I returned, it was just about dry, and the plastic was very difficult to remove!

It left some neat texture, though.

Beginning with yellow:

Adding the red:

Using dried and pressed maple leaves as a resist:

a spritz of black paint
The leaves removed
the paint underneath was a wee bit damp, and some of the black spread
 I defined the leaf edges and added a bit of black ink to indicate some veins. It's still not completely dry, but I think it's interesting having the silver peek through the watercolor in places.

The next challenge:
card 1:- paint a still life of these three items: flowers, a piece of fabric, third object of choice
card 2:- use light and pale pigments and add a saturated medium-value pigment in a small area

Last time Gina asked if I was creating cards using the painting I'd finished. Cutting it into smaller pieces ~ 3"x3.5", here's what they look like:

What do you think? Would they make nice cards? Would you like one?

Hope your Sunday was a pleasant one.
Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. Great cards! Terrific idea.

    That iris is the colour of my favourite desert - custard with ??? filling. Jam? I have not seen that desert in years, but whatever it is or is called, those flowers have nailed the colour!
    Fox : )

  2. I think they would make great cards!

    I had to buy a card today, and I was amazed at the price for a mass produced baptism card. I have no problem paying $7 for a hand-crafted card, but for one that I found at the grocery store?! Please!

    Needless to say, I'm going to start looking for cards by artists. I'd much rather support individuals!

  3. OMG - YOU have a wonderful garden. Your surprise iris is to die for!!! We are going to have to figure out a way to divide and share, LOL!! Hope your weekend was wonderful, dear one! Hugs, Cathy

  4. Wow! Your flowers are beautiful. Love your autumn leaves art. The cut pieces of your challenge art are very pretty cut up into tiny squares. I think these would make lovely cards and be truly unique pieces of art. Happy week ahead...

  5. Thank you for the lovely comments! Hope you've had a great weekend. Hugs

  6. Suz, oh my--your leaves piece, is just fantastic- what a great tecnic-
    and all would love one of your beautiful cards, dear.

  7. Beautiful photos from your yard. My irises are just beginning to bloom. Very neat & wonderfully creative leaf & cards. Thanks for showing us how you made them :)

  8. Thanks Dorthe, I shall send you one!
    JennyPennyPoppy, the pic is my first iris in flower: it popped up in an unexpected place as it was not planted there. Must be a magic iris! Hugs

  9. What a great idea to use the plastic on the gesso, must try that too! I already tried your glue-resist, hope to share some pics soon.

  10. Hi Annet! Just don't leave the plastic on too long. I'd love to see your glue-resist paintings! WooHoo!

  11. Your art techniques are just amazing Suz. Love your flowers, particularly the iris.

  12. Thanks Shirley! I think the cards' guidelines make a big difference in my approach, and being a lot looser in my painting! Have a great day. Hugs

  13. Following a prompt is a good idea - makes you do it. I don't really like following instructions but it's actually what I need! I'm really enjoying my cards, thanks. You keep some back so you don't need to spend $7!

  14. Hi Emma! I try to keep a stock of painted cards on hand, but it's so much fun to make them, I keep running out of card stock. Have a wonderful day. Hugs

  15. Found your blog via Emma - and love the card prompts - and love making cards too!

  16. Hi Sue! Making cards is a lot of fun, and there are so many wonderful reasons! Thanks for leaving such a nice comment.

  17. Hi Suz! Received your neat card in the mail yesterday! Thank you so much! Just what I needed to brighten up an exhausting day. I posted it on my blog. Wish that you would have put your return address on it though. Would you mind sending it to me please so I can return the compliment? Have a wonderful day :)


I love to read your comments!