Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Tuesday Tats on Wednesday

 First I want to show you what came in the mail:

From Annet at Fat-Quarter came a lovely card, and inside was a wonderful surprise! Annet sent me some of her gorgeous hairpin lace!
See how fine and delicate it is? I've put a quarter in the picture to indicate just how tiny her work is.
Thank you so much, Annet!  I shall treasure these pieces.
On the same day, my order of Valdani thread arrived. It is finer than I thought it would be, and seems about size 100. I thought that I would use the thread not only for tatting, but also for embroidery and CQing.

It's so fine, I think I'll have to either double the thread, or use it with another for tatting. 

And more thread arrived! My Lizbeth order
 And an edging pamphlet with wonderful patterns. I have some hankies and other items that could benefit from edging embellishments.
Now that I've shown the tools, what did I tat?

This is the beginning of Mary Konior's  Crooked Mile  pattern. The colored sample was tatted in Coats crochet cotton size 20, and the dark sample was tatted in the Valdani thread.

a trio of funky leaves. I'm playing with a project idea.

some fancy picot flower doodles

I re-tatted Mary Konior's Black Magic and added some beads. It's a little improved over my last attempt, but I think I need to practice it more to improve my tension.

Have you been tatting today?
Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. I'm glad my gift arrived so quickly!

  2. What a lovely mail day! Love the colors in the threads you got, just gorgeous. The hairpin lace is beautiful! As always, love seeing your tatting! Great funky leaves and picot flower doodles :)

  3. I've said it before and I will say it again...YOUR MAIL IS ALWAYS SO EXCITING!!!

  4. Thanks, Ladies! Karen, I think you're just jealous of my marvelous mail. Just remember, it's the only way I have to shop for my goodies! (unless I make a trip to the city) ;-)

  5. I love it all..oh so inspirational...esp. the tiny quarter sized creations! wow!

    ciao bella

    Creative Carmelina

  6. Colourful post! love that orangey-pink doodle.
    Fox : )

  7. Thanks Creative Carmelina! Annet's hairpin lace is beautiful, isn't it? I just love it!

    Thanks Fox. You mean the flower doodle? It's so much fun to tat!

  8. Your tatting is so creative, Suz. The leaves and picot flowers are wonderful. Tatting is one thing I have never tried. Would love to one day.... :-D

  9. Thanks Dianne! It's fun and relaxing and I do enjoy it. I'm sure you would, too. Hugs

  10. You had a very colourful post and lovely threads,I like your beads in the Black Magic of Marys Konior pattern, interesting variation.

  11. Thanks Margaret! The beads just seemed to fit the opening and I liked how the colors went together. Hugs

  12. Your tatting is just beautiful. Love all your new thread supplies. How very special to receive such lovely hairpin lace. Happy tatting...

  13. Thank you, Createology! I love the haipin lace Annet sent me--it's so tiny and perfect. I've been wanting to learn how to make hairpin, so seeing how lovely it is may just give me that push. Have a nice weekend. Hugs


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