Sunday, July 3, 2011

Inspiration Sunday July 3

 Just a few pics of my garden. Now that the sun has come out, there are blooms everywhere!

I am feeling a little under the weather, so no painting this week. The painting experiments will be on hold for the rest of the summer, but will return this fall.

Hope everyone who celebrated had a wonderful Canada Day.

Wishing those who celebrate a Happy 4th of July!


  1. So many pretty blooms! Enjoy them enough for us all, as heat waves, floods or wildfires still threaten in various areas around the globe.

  2. Beautiful flowers! Is the first picture clematis? Looks like one I have.

    Enjoy the sunshine while it lasts :)

  3. The flowers are beautiful! I hope you're feeling better soon!

  4. Beautiful flower pix Suz - the first one is my favourite - love the combination of colours!
    Hope you are soon back to feeling bright eyed and bushy tailed!

  5. Your garden is a delight. I love the roses, particularly the single rose. Hope you will be feeling better soon, and back to your old self. The tatting motif is lovely and will be nice in the centre of a table mat.

  6. Thanks everyone for your kind wishes. I'm just a little tired from doing too much lately, I think. I'm going to slow down for a while, so no painting posts.
    I'll still be tatting and sharing other pics.
    Hope you're all having some wonderful summer days.
    Yes, Happy Bluebird, those are clematis blooms. I love them, and have three varieties growing together in this part of the garden.
    Isdihara, we have been blessed not to have had these disasters befall us, and send prayers for those who are still in danger.

  7. Hi dear Suz, such beautiful roses , I love them- we do have grey skies and rain now for 3 dayes, here, so not much sun to see... I`m happy for you you have summer at last...

  8. I love your roses, and that dear little statue is so cute! Hope your feeling better soon. Smell the roses, it is good for the soul. x Julie

  9. Hi Dorthe. I hope your skies soon lighten and the sun comes out to shine. Do you have roses in your garden? We've had what seems like weeks of rain, so I am enjoying the sun, now. Hope you are soon, too.

    Hi Sesenarts, and thanks for your lovely comment. The little statue used to be an angel, but he lost his wings in an accident, so now he perches on some stones to oversee and protect the rose garden. He's doing a super job--my roses have never been this plentiful before! I love to wander among the plants, fingering the lavender, passing by each rose bush, and scented grass, and filling my lungs with their wonderful aromas.
    Hope you are having a sunny and scentful day.

  10. Your garden is looking lovely, Suz. Enjoy the summery days in it and I hope it will restore your health and energy. Take care.

    Janet x

  11. Thanks Janet! I've taken a few days to rest, and feel quite a bit better. And the sun is still shining.


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