Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Tuesday Tats July 5

Is it me, or is it the pattern?

I was tatting some edgings from the booklet " Embellishing with Edgings" by Handy Hands.
I began with Edging #13 in a purple varigated thread: Lizbeth #129
I t was curving. Hmm, not good for what's supposed to be a straight edging.

It wanted to be a square, instead.

So, I finished it that way, but it looked really dinky.


I added a little border and it now measures 2 1/4 ", just perfect for a little motif.

I tried another edging, #14.
Hmmm, it's curving, too.
I think it must be me. :-0
I suppose I'll just have to loosen up a little!

I finished off this little tat with some beads. Now to sew the backing and send it off in the mail!

Another tat for the mail.
Is that a bumble bee?

Hope you are having a sunny day. Here, it's already 27C, and it's not even noon. I'm off after a quick lunch to play canasta.
Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. Your curvy piece is great. I love it and if you used green and only tatted half, turned upside down then it would look like a Globe Arborvitae.

  2. Thanks Pat! I hadn't 'seen' the globe arborvitae until you mentioned it. I'm glad you shared that, since it's perfect for something I'm working on. Hugs

  3. Ooh! Those are all so pretty. Especially your flowers. (:

  4. The accidental motif is pretty, the colours too. Did you make up the bee pattern yourself?

  5. Thanks, Anika! The flowers are so easy and fun to tat. I'm pleased you like them.

    Hi Singtatter. The bee pattern was another accidental result from free tatting leaves. I made three leaves joined, then played with their positin.....and a bee was born.

  6. The recipients of your lovely tatting will be thrilled. Clever woman. Tatted edgings would be a lovely edition to so many projects Suz.

  7. Ah, yes, Judy, edgings would be beautiful. I just have to learn how to tat straight. LOL Love your gorgeous bags! Hugs

  8. it's so cool that you turned a "failed" edging into a pretty motif! the flowers and little bee are awesome too.

  9. I love the colourings in the 'square' piece, Suz. I think they turned out beautifully anyway. Your little motifs are cute.

  10. you have used some gorgeous colours here and then I spotted the flowers in the last post....connectivity I say!

  11. Thank you Val. I love happy accidents. The bee just sort of happened when I was playing with three joined leaves, so I sewed them overlapping.

    Thanks Dianne! I like those colors, too, and was pleased how well they went with the mauve.

    Yeah, they are very similar, aren't they? I hadn't noticed that, Karen! I didn't realize I'd ordered thread in my garden colors. There's an observant eye. Hope you're having a wonderfully creative day.

  12. I love your work -- it is so pretty and so delicate x
    Thank you so much for popping in and being so supportive of "Chalky's World!"

  13. Even your too curvy tats turned out great. The variegated threads looks really nice as well. Thanks for stopping by my blog :)

  14. I enjoy every visit to your blog --- you are so creative - lovely color choices

    and such TALENT! oodles of it ; )

    Always, L

  15. oh, Thank you Lelia! I'm blushing.


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