Sunday, December 4, 2011

Inspiration Sunday December 4, 2011

Last week I left off here:

I've made some progress, but it's been slow going.
It's week 1 of our choir Christmas concerts, so with a dress rehearsal, and three performances, I haven't had as much time to paint as I would like.

on the left is my reference photo

I added more of the background and a few more reflections

this is two hours' work

a closer look
 I made a correction to the reflection on the stopper ring, added more background, refined some lines

after another two hours, I've added more reflections, added highlights, and brightened certain areas

As you can see, there's still more work to do

I love the results so far. It's just taking a lot longer than I'd imagined.

Maybe I'll be finished next week?

 Here's my quirky bird, spotted in a hardware shop, and rescued to come home with me. Don't you just love that hat?

a shot of the bay after the snow

Turtle Island with a white covering. The snow is  melting, now, in the mild temperatures

Hope you're having a wonderful Sunday. I'm off  to get ready for our concert. La la la la
Thanks for visiting
Hugs from Suz


  1. I have always admired anyone who can paint, wow, the detail! Enjoy your Sunday

  2. I'm in awe of your painting, your photos are beautiful and the bird is just cute- I want a hat like that!

  3. It is fabulous! Love that painting.

    The photo of Turtle Island is perfect. The light is just right and the shadows add so much atmosphere. I think that is my favourite of all your shots so far!

    What a talented miss you are!
    Fox : ))

  4. Thanks Jane. It's taken me a lot of years to get to this point, and I still create more mud and ugly paintings than I do nice ones. I'm not usually this patient with my art, but maybe there's hope for me yet. lol Thanks for your comment.

    Thanks Michelle. I'm (hopefully) learning to take it slow and in tiny increments. I love the bird's hat......I don't think it'd fit you though.............maybe we can knit some like it. lol

    Fox, you write the nicest things! Thanks.
    That pic sure is moody, isn't it?
    Hope you had a great weekend.

  5. Oh Suz, your painting is FABULOUS!!!And you sing!!Oh how gorgeous to sing in a choir. I am very touched by choirs singing. I often get teary when I hear a beautiful piece sung by a choir.
    That exquisite. We dream of snow when it's a belting 40 degrees C here!!!!
    I LOVE that bird!!
    Have a great week.
    Love Judy xx

  6. I love that deep green for the shadow under the crystal Sue, and how chinks of it shows on the pattern.

    i know you are enjoying the choir, and hope the performance goes well as I am sure it will.

    I am tone deaf so I envy anyone who can sing even a little bit.

  7. by the way the snow photos are brilliant, if only snow wasn't so wet and cold.

  8. Your painting is really breath-taking!

  9. The painting is progressing beautifully.You are a natural!!

  10. Thanks Debra. It's taking me so long to capture those color reflections. I have a new respect for those artists who paint glass on a regular basis.

    Thanks, Shirley. It's so time-consuming getting the reflections the correct shape and color. And I'm with you on the wet and cold. But in winter the blanket of snow helps to insulate the garden plants, so it does serve a purpose........not that that makes up for all the bad about snow! Have a good week.

    Thanks Debra. It's taking me so long to capture those color reflections. I have a new respect for those artists who paint glass on a regular basis.

    Dian, thanks for your comment.

    Hi Deepa! I hope I can finish it without messing up! It's taken many years to get here.......

  11. You are doing a great job on the stopper. All those reflections are tough...and time consuming. I really need to get back to my painting!

  12. Connie, thank you for your comment. What's your medium of choice?

  13. Your painting is coming along so well, I really admire your talent. The snow pictures are beautiful.

  14. Thank you Dianne! Looking at the snow is fun, but shovelling it?.......something

  15. OMG - Your painting is incredible! I feel like I could reach in and grasp the perfume bottle! Drop. Dead. Gorgeous. You rock, Susan! Thanks for the delicious eye candy. Hugs, Cathy

  16. Well, thank you for those kind words, Cathy! I've been struggling with the painting, but I'm very pleased with its progress.
    Hope you're having a wonderful week.

  17. Your painting and colours look super. Love your little quirky bird. He looks very glad to have found a nice home to live in :)

  18. I am pleased with the painting so far, Jeanette, thanks. Quirky bird certainly lifts my spirits.....I smile every time I see him!


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