Tuesday, December 6, 2011

My Block Came Home

Stacie and I agreed to do each other's block. My block came home!
I forgot to take a pic of my naked block before I mailed it out. silly me.
But here's what it looks like now:

Isn't it fabulous?!

The theme was creepy crawlies

Stacie created a garden setting with a water feature

delightful flowers

I love the hint of an arbor and the climbing roses that wind their way across the block top and down the sides

I love that spider!

a dragonfly, a beaded tree, and fabric flowers

lots of little plants, and critters skittering about

I even have a frog prince on a lily pad

Do you suppose if I kissed him, he'd turn into a real Prince?  lol

Stacie has added a  delightfully light touch to this CQ, and I loved how she included a water feature. Beads and thread waves carry my frog prince ever closer.......

Thank you so much Stacie. I so enjoyed our 1:1 CQ RR. It was a bit of a challenge for me, but I certainly LOVE my block!
Hope you're having a creative day.

Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. Really beautiful, you're both very lucky people! Love your painting, below & i must find a carol sevice, I just fancy a sing a long!

  2. Thanks Emma! Hope you find a carol service, but, if not, you can sing along to the radio! I love Christmas Carols.

  3. This block is a real beauty, you're a lucky lady!

  4. So fantastic-dear Suz, what a wonderful block from your friend-

  5. wow - such an amazing amount of work. It looks wonderful!

  6. I am so lucky, Dorthe! Hugs

    It is wonderful, Jeanette! And it's mine! Mwahahahahaha
    Stacie did a fabulous job, didn't she?

  7. I can tell how thrilled you are with this Sue, it is lovely. Is it the start of a quilt?

  8. It might be, Shirley.........I have a CQ block with a garden theme coming home to join another completed one (a gorgeous one done by Nicki Lee ) and now this blue block with creepy crawlies..........I have more pink and blue blocks to complete, so it will depend if the components go well together whether I have two mini quilts or 1 pink and blue, larger quilt. Thanks so much for asking!

  9. Beautiful block! Such a lot of detail in such a small space. I applaud those of you who can do such wonderful work.

    How were your concerts? It sounds like fun.

  10. Stacie did such wonderful work on my block: I just Love it!
    I'm afraid I missed the second concert: side effects from the antibiotics....sigh, but I hope to make the next two!

  11. beautiful painting!and nice color!

  12. Aw, shucks :) Thank you to all for the wonderful comments about the block here on Suz's blog!
    I am so pleased you are happy with it, Suz!


I love to read your comments!