Saturday, January 14, 2012


I've not been around much, sorry to say, but I'm getting back in gear and hope to be posting more often.
Here's my TAST for week 2:

The sampler is stitched totally with buttonhole stitch, except for two lines of straight stitch on which I used the buttonhole stitch.

Next time I think I'll have to make my stitches a bit larger.
Gee, see the crooked rows. You wouldn't know I used a ruler, would you?    ...sigh....practice...practice....

I've been working on my January CQJP. I was waiting for my Christmas present to arrive in the mail. The goodies below are from Evening Star Designs. 

and I loved what I'd received so much, I used the rest of my Christmas money for a second order

I plan to use quite a bit of these supplies on my CQJP 2012!

The middle bundles open up to reveal these wonderful fibres!

 I used one in a variegated colourway to wrap onto the stitches of this seam treatment, adding green and pink and repeating the colours of adjoining fabrics. The ends were tacked down with red seed beads.

Bullion stitch adorns the silver. I think I should have made it a bit fatter.

I added seed beads to the row of flowers.

So far, so good, I think, but there's a lot more to do before my January block is finished.

Here's a pic of Turtle Island last week. It looks as though the snow is blowing in waves across the frozen lake, but this was a warm day, and mist was rising from the ice.

My amaryllis is in bloom, and looks beautiful, but, I'm disappointed it has so little scent. Don't you think the strength of a flower's scent should be in proportion to it's size?  This baby would make the whole room smell delicious, then.

I I finally finished piecing all my blocks for the CQJP 2012 Christmas wall hanging!  Yay!!  Here's a peek:

Lots of fun stitching ahead.
I hope you've been having fun doing something you love.

Thanks for visiting.

Hugs from Suz


  1. So much to look at! I like the look of spring that your pink and green button hole stitches evoke.

    What gorgeous threads and fibers! It would be so difficult to decide which to use first with these lovely choices.

    Your CQ seams are looking great, Suz, and so are your blocks. It must be the beauty from your window that inspires you!

  2. Wonderful Post. I did so enjoy looking at all your lovely stitching. I also loved seeing all your new beautiful threads to do your stitching. I see you are as passionate about flosses as I am. LOL Hugs Judy

  3. Thank you for your lovely comments, Jenclair! It certainly looks like Christmas out my window, doesn't it?

  4. I am a thread junkie! Flosses, HDT's (hand-dyed threads), overdyed, crochet thread, yarn fibers, DMC threads, tatting,................I covet them all! muahahahaha.
    Nice to know I'm not alone in my obsession. Thanks for the nice comments.

  5. So nice to see other people have stashes! Love that flower seam treatment. It's so much fun to see what others are doing with their stitching. Congrats on all that piecing; now the fun begins! (My amarylis is very odd this year. It's only a couple of inches high and just dawdling along. Am beginning to think I got a bulb from last year! LOL)

  6. Great Christmas present! I'll have to check them out. I'm always on the lookout for a new source of supplies. Great stitching and I love your Christmas blocks! You do have lots of fun heading your way.

  7. Lots of fun stitching. I love the colors.

  8. Lovely stash enhancement and, to my mind, a PERFECT Christmas present! I'm going to enjoy seeing your Christmas blocks evolve.

  9. How beautiful everything looks from your new threads, yarns, fibers, to your lovely stitching and the lovely Christmas blocks to your pink Amaryllis.
    What a gorgeous view out your window as well.

    Hugs and Smiles,


  10. Who among us could say they were NOT obsessed with threads. Yours are stunning and I am sure you will have much fun using them. Your variety of buttonhole stitches is great.

  11. What a wonderful post Suz all these beautiful embroideries you work on, there is something nice to sit and embroider, I think, have a nice sunday.
    Hugs Anni

  12. Dear Suz, I love your pink/green buttenhole stiched piece-and all the yummy yarn, happy,happy stitching-and a lovely sunday.

  13. My fave kind of Christmas present for sure, Magpie! I'll have lots of fun using my new stash.

    Thank you, Cy! I almost didn't put the pink into this block, but now I'm glad I did. Sometimes doing something a little different leads to a few surprises. Hope all your surprises are good ones!

    I love me some stash! The more I have, the more I want. Do you like to go playing in yours?
    Judy, I've had this amaryllis for about 4 years now. Each summer I plant it deep in the soil to feed the bulb, and in the fall I bring it inside, plant it with fresh soil, and make sure the bulb's only half covered. So far, I haven't killed it. I have another one, too--a red one that's putting out a flower stem. We'll see how this one does.

    Thanks so much, MM. I thought the pink and variegated green would look good on the cream. Sort of like ice cream colours. And anything that makes me think of summer in the middle of the snow and winter is good by me!

    Thank you Susan. I've been having a time trying to get it all in. Hope you're having a wonderful weekend!

    Thank you Shirley. I hope you've had a wonderful weekend with your DS and DGDs!

    Thanks Anni. Is there a better way to enjoy a Sunday afternoon than stitching? I hope you have a fun stitchy day, too.

    Thanks Dorthe! You too!
    Hugs, everyone.

  14. That snow should inspire some great looking snowflakes for your christmas wallhanging. I'll be content to imagine snow-thank you very much!

  15. Hi Suz...your new threads are delicious. Your CQ squares are wonderful and will keep you stitching for a while. Beautiful photos of the lake. Serene Sunday dear...

  16. I love what you bought too!!! Now where did I pout my Christmas money??????

  17. Well, Gee, Debra, I'd be happy to send you some of mine! ;-D
    I plan on tatting a variety of snowflakes to add to my wall hanging. Fingers crossed.

  18. Thank you! Is there anything as nice as new stash to play with? Hope you're having a wonderfully creative day.

  19. I love getting new stash in the mail, Karen! I'm saving up now to take your course, hopefully for my Birthday, so I'll be having to order in some lovely white stuff....!! Oh, dear. Poor me! ;-D lol

  20. What a lovely collection of new threads.

  21. Thanks Heloise, I love to play with my threads! and beads, and yarn, and material,.......;-D

  22. OMG...lovely threads,suz.Are you bankrupt? or is there still something left ? :)

  23. Well, Deepa, let's just say I won't be buying anything for a while, except at the second-hand shop. :-( Oh, well.........I'm saving up for a course later this year, I hope...........
    Have a wonderful day!

  24. G'day Suz, I'm doing a Christmas theme for the CQJP12 also, mine will be a tree skirt though.

    Thanks for sharing all of this and your stash, can't have enough threads, I got a lovely big chest from hubby for Xmas to store mine.


  25. G'day Suz, I'm doing a Christmas theme for the CQJP12 also, mine will be a tree skirt though.

    Thanks for sharing all of this and your stash, can't have enough threads, I got a lovely big chest from hubby for Xmas to store mine.


  26. I saw pics of your wonderful chest! (I'm a follower) and I was drooling for sure. Is it crammed full?
    I'll be following your tree skirt as you continue with it.
    Hugs from Suz

  27. the amaryllis is gorgeous and i think you're a great photographer too~! you've captured a lovely light and glow in that shot.

    the threads . . . my keyboard needs mopping up from all my drooling~!~lol


  28. Thanks, LibbyQ, but I can't take all the credit for the pics--I use Picasa to edit and adjust my shots........
    Threads.....I love threads! I keep a small towel beside my


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