Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Tatting: Flowers

I'm taking a Colour Theory Course with StitchMap, and part of my lesson included creating 3 flowers. One was to be in warm tones, another in cool tones, and the third? a mix

warm in shades of yellow, orange and red.
It's Lizbeth thread colour 100, size 40

my attempt at tatting a mint green Dahlia
tatted with J&P Coates in size 30

I was trying to create the look of a clematis flower here, and then made some funky leaves.
This delicious thread is 'Rio' by Lady Shuttlemaker.
Each flower was sewn onto black fabric covered with organza. Next I'll add a felt backing and maybe some trim to the seams.

Have you been tatting, too?

Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. Unusual and very attractive!
    Fox : )

  2. ... AND I like that little cluster at the top right of the first one.
    Fox (very s-l-o-w- this a.m.!)

  3. I like the orange flower. Warm summer colors.
    And yes, I have been tatting too. I have started to learn needle tatting.

  4. The dahlia is my favourite, with it's mass of petals.

  5. They are wonderful. What a good interpretation. Thanks for commenting on my blog.

  6. Suz these are lovely, and no I don't tat, I tried, but I for some reason have trouble holding the thread etc


  7. Thanks, Fox. The cluster is made up of Josephine Knots (I know you love them, too! ) with the odd 2ds to separate them. I love making them, and they're quite effective.

  8. Hey, that's great, Marjolein! Yay, another needle tatter! Let me know if I can help in any way, okay?

  9. It's my favourite design, too, Puppet Lady! Are you tatting yet?

  10. Hi Arlene, and thanks for your comment. Were you trying shuttle or needle tatting? I usually needle tat off the ball of thread, and I would think with your talent in the needle arts, that you would be a natural.

  11. These are great! I've tried shuttle tatting, but think maybe I should try needle tatting after seeing these. Love the spontaneous feel of the designs!

  12. Lovely flowers! The little embroidery flowers below with beads are so sweet, too ;) Lucious threads.

  13. Thanks Jenclair! I love to doodle-tat and see what happens. I've been told that needle tatting is easier to learn than the shuttle. Let me know if you have any questions, and I'll be happy to try to answer them.

  14. Don't you just looove beads?! Thanks so much for your comment, Emma. What are you creating today?

  15. Your color theory class sounds really interesting. These flowers are each very unique and beautiful. Happy tatting...

  16. I've been having fun with the color theory class exercises. Thank you for the lovely comment, Createology. Hope you're having a wonderful day.

  17. these look so good on the backgrounds....very, very pretty.

  18. You certainly are one very busy lady with all of your wonderful tatting, quilting and TAST and then to keep up with in all on-line as well! Your tatted flowers look lovely and I especially like the one in warm tones. I found a lady in our stitchery guild who tats and is going to get a few of us started but with this deep freeze were in right now it's going to be extra tough to go out at night. Hope it will warm up soon.

  19. Thank you, Karen. I'd planned to make fabric postcards with them, but now I think I'll save them to add to a future CQ. Happy stitching!

  20. Thanks, JennyPennyPoppy. I'm so happy you're going to learn how to tat! Yay!! It's supposed to get a bit warmer here over the next week........

  21. i would LOVE to learn to tat. are you teaching yourself?


  22. Very interesting! Tatting has always befuddled me......

  23. Hey Judy. Needle tatting is quite easy. I'll be happy to share more info about it if you're interested. Just let me know. Thanks for commenting.

  24. Lovely blog is this.I also like tatting a lot.Thanks for such an interesting post.

    Wholesale Flowers

  25. Thanks Anne, I'm so glad you enjoyed your visit here.


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