Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Encrusting Calico- a Pebble Adventure Part 2

Here's where I left off last post with my pebble:

It was beginning to take shape, but there was a lot more encrusting needed.......

 I ummm, got a little carried away with the encrusting, I think

All the stitching on the pebble is completed

Here's a different angle

As you can see, I added a bit of colour........and some beads

shaped, stuffed and sewed

I think I should have added more stuffing

there's lots of tatting on here: Josephine Knots and chains in different threads

I think the tatting adds an organic look to the pebble

I used some plastic canvas for the base, and it worked well.

Gee, there's not much pebble showing, is there?  oh, dear..tsk tsk

maybe next pebble I'll have to use some restraint.  hmm, is that possible? lol

I really, really like the net stitch shown here

it seems to have captured some worn, unraveling rope...

I've so enjoyed myself working on this challenge
Thanks so much Deb and Marjolein introducing me to this new madness.........

I've been scoping the drawers and secret places looking for more goodies to use in more pebbles.
Just think, I could use some rusty bits fabric and add metal items, letting the metal bits add more rust to the fabric and the thread. That would be cool.
I want to start another pebble, but i think I should do my TAST first. maybe. muahaha
 I hope you're doing something you love.
Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. You have had fun, it looks addictive.

  2. It is, Penny! I'm sure you'd enjoy it, too!

  3. That is quite a process, with an amazing result!
    Fox : )

  4. Suz,
    I have been so inspired by this piece. I know I told you on SF but wanted to tell you here too. I love that area of the netting and the frayed thread too! My next pebble will have a sea side feel to it. I know I have other stitching to do, but these pebbles are so much fun.
    When I was encasing my texture items for the first one I mentioned some where metal. Some of the other participants reminded me that metal can rust, but like you I think that just adds another level of interest. I have a collection of metal items I have purposely rusted....I may just have to include some.

  5. WOW! This is a work of art and should be entered into a juried show to share with others. Your stitching is amazing and every detail is such a perfect part of the overall seaside embellished sea shell feel. WOW is an understatement.

  6. Thanks Fox. It's fun, but addictive....kinda like tatting!

  7. Yes, Deb, I was thinking the same thing about the metal just adding more interest. Thanks for the lovely comments, and for getting me into this! So much fun!

  8. Thank you so much, Createology for your wonderful comment. I've only entered a couple of paintings into juried shows many, many years ago. I'm afraid there aren't any juried shows in my area.
    I'm so glad you like my pebble. I'm very pleased with it and plan to make more.

  9. Elegant, lovely & amazing!!!Just like you are!

  10. Aww, shucks, BSOTF! You write the nicest things. Thanks. ;-D

  11. This turned out fabulous! Wonderful texture.

    I remember seeing that tutorial years ago (before I tried embroidery) and loving the 'look' but seeing all these recent pebbles on SF, I'm really inspired!

  12. This is fabulous! I'm always amazed how wonderfully things turn out after such an empty 'plastic' start. Can't wait to see your rusty ones ;)

  13. Lovely work Suz, looking good.


  14. This is really looking beautiful! Once again, you take us through your developing work with great care - it all means so much more than just seeing the end result (which is stunning!) Well done!

  15. Thank you, Marie. This has been a lot of fun, so I hope you decide to try it.

  16. Thank you, Emma. Such fun to do, too! Just think, now there are a lot of stitchers doing the three r's: reducing, re-using, and re-cycling lots of plastic! Cool!

  17. Hi Janet. Thank you. I wanted to show how easy this is to do. I was amazed at the result shown on the project challenge, but would not have known how to get to that point without the instructions. This way, I hoped to get more people thinking, "Hey, I could do that!" and get more people involved.
    Love your newest puppets!

  18. Suz, it is beautiful! Love, love, love it!

  19. Your pebble is gorgeous, Suz! What's its size?

  20. Thanks Jenclair, I do too! I'm planning to make some more. They are so much fun. I love the encrusting.

  21. Hi Annet. The finished size is 4 3/4" or ~ 12cm diameter. I should have left it a bit larger to show more bare fabric, I think.

  22. Suz, your pebble is wonderful and i don't think you went over the top at all. Wonderful textures and I love the netting part too. Also your idea about using metal and having rusty parts is fantastic. Go for it!! Di.

  23. Thanks Di. I think I shall have to postpone the rusty bits pebbles for the time being, as my first one goes beautifully with the paint colour of our new bathroom, and I'd like to make a few more for decoration there. Not sure if I'll do a wall hanging, or if I can find a nice glass jar to hold the pebbles, or if I just scatter them on a shelf. They look great in that room, though.
    Hugs from Suz

  24. Thank you, Ulla! It's a lot of fun choosing which stitches to use.
    I like your quilted angels.

  25. I want so badly to try making some of these but I must resist - for now. Too many other irons in the fire right now.

  26. That's the beauty of this project. The info is available, and you can stitch it anytime that's convenient for you. They are addictive, though. ;-)

  27. love your chain stitches and I really hope you don't disappear on us!!

  28. Hi Susan,
    Just dropping by to let you know you won my scrapbooking software giveaway. Please email me so I can send you instructions on how to redeem it.

  29. Wow! That's fantastic! Thank you so much!

  30. Rich and elegant looking!!Susan loved this I am also gone mad about this technique
    BTW where do you use it? wall hanging or what..

  31. Thank you! This is so much fun!
    I don't know how other people are planning to use their pebbles, but DH just built a new bathroom in the basement, and the colour we've painted the walls goes so nicely with mine, that I've decided to make more and either have a wall hanging of my pebbles (perhaps in a shadow box), or a grouping in a glass apothecary jar. Or maybe just some sitting on a glass shelf....... I think, too, that pebbles would look great on CQ's, as fabric postcards, or ATC's. Wouldn't it be fun to have TAST pebbles? They'd look good on a journal cover, too, I think. Or even as a pin cushion.
    Are you making some? How will you use yours?

  32. This looks absolutely fantastic!! Such wonderful stitching and the design looks really neat!

  33. Thank you! It's so much fun I've already started a second one, and I have plans for more.....
    The design grew as I stitched: it sort of just happened on its own. I think I like free-form stitching.


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