Sunday, February 19, 2012

Encrusting Calico- a Pebble Adventure

Over at stichin fingers, Deb and Marjolein invited everyone to join in a challenge, calling it a "Pebble Adventure".
 This is my beginning.  We're creating "Encrusted Calico," which looks like rocky surfaces encrusted with growth. Just like a tiny underwater scene.

Using muslin for the base, I added some buttons, and plastic beads and rings. I'll add a second layer of muslin and entrap the bits between the layers, sewing them down.

This is the perfect place to use any ugly plastic beads you have in your stash. I'm using all plastic here, so that the fabric won't become discoloured.

Can you imagine, though, doing a 'rusty bits' "pebble Adventure"?  That would be cool. Another wonderful reason to make rusty bits fabric!

Here's how it looked with the top layer, and a start on the encrusting.

Here's my progress so far. What do you think?

There's lots more stitching to do......

This is so much fun I've already begun gathering bits for my next 'pebble'!

I'm off to do some more encrusting.

There's still time to join in the fun!

Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. Suztats,
    That's amazing & neat looking. I do enjoy watching you create the wonderful things you share with us all.

  2. Oh My Goodness...this is fabulous. I am following Deb with her pebble adventure and now I can also see your progress. Thank you for showing the bits and bobs you are using for the foundation layer. I didn't know how all the texture was created (except lots and lots and lots of tedious stitching) on the finished pebble work. I always enjoy your work so very much. Serene Sunday dear...

  3. Thank you BSOTF! This project is a lot of fun to do, and I can use so many different stitches on this. There's even some tatting in there! Can you see it?

  4. Thank you so much! I wanted to show everyone the different steps, and how easy it was, hoping to entice more people to join the adventure. This is so much fun to do, and I like that my options for stitching are completely open.
    Hope you've had a wonderful weekend!

  5. I've begun playing with this idea! Thanks, Suz, for the inspiration. I've seen Karen's stuff before and liked it, and I saw the "encrusted calico" on Stitching Fingers, but your work got me going!

  6. Absolutely brilliant work, love it Suz...


  7. I saw something like this done in a Stitch magazine (UK) a year or so ago and have always meant to have a try, one day when I dont think I have anything else to do, maybe sooner than I think.
    Yours looks lovely.

  8. I had seen the pebble adventure over on Mosaic Magpie but hadn't really thought how it was accomplished to create the "bumps". Thank you for showing and explaining that. I love how yours is evolving, how cool looking!

  9. Love it! Love it! My turn - I have just got to try this out - would be so perfect for one of my UTS!

  10. This is starting to look good Suz--I will have a go when I catch up with the cloth that I am doing.

  11. I'm so glad it did, Jenclair! I look forward to seeing your pebble!

  12. Thanks Arlene, I'm really enjoying this.
    I like how you used your TAST on your Christmas tree skirt CQJP, and especially the wreath you made.

  13. Thanks Penny. I found this to be a rather quick project to start, and I'm having lots of fun with the encrusting! I'm sure you'd enjoy it!

  14. Isn't it, Stacie? It's so much fun, too. I'm sure you'd enjoy it. There's so much freedom in the encrusting, choosing which stitches to do.

  15. You'll have fun with this, Nicki Lee! You stitch so beautifully, I can just picture your pebble. Hmm, will it have some of your gorgeous lace on it? I'm looking forward to seeing what magic you make with this!

  16. I know you'll have fun with this, Doreen. I can picture one of your beautifully stitched buttons making an appearance on your pebble. I'll be watching to see what you design!

  17. This is definitely where you should be with your stitching--you are a natural here!

  18. I love these, they're popping up everywhere and they are so gorgeous...the surfaces make me swoon!!

  19. Thank you, Debra. I guess that's why it's been so much fun to do! I am thoroughly enjoying myself, and I don't want to stop.

  20. I would think they'd be right up your alley, Karen. You'd be a natural ! Lots of time to join in.
    I can just picture some of these small pebbles on a white cloth piece. Hmm, maybe I'll have to try that on my next white piece.

  21. Me too! I can't seem to get enough of it! I should be working on other things, but it calls to me.....;-)

  22. Suz,
    I am so glad you decided to join in the pebble adventure! I am also glad you added these behind the scene photos. The pebble is so much fun to stitch....kind of like potato chips...not just one!

  23. Dear Suz, it is fantastic, what you did- I have seen those form of embroidery on other blogs, and they are all so very beautiful.I love all you did so far, the ,the knots are so wonderful between the covered beads and things.
    A wonderful job,dear.

  24. You're right about the 'not just one' ! I haven't even finished my first one yet, but I'm already thinking ahead to #2, and #3! Hmm, will I do colour, or monotone again? Maybe one in every colour? Methinks I may be pebble-nuts! It's easy to be crazy about something so fun!
    Thanks so much Deb for introducing this project with Marjolein on sf!!

  25. Thank you Dorthe! This is so much fun to do, and a quick little project small enough to carry. I'm sure you'd enjoy it if you wanted to give it a go.

  26. That is Really kewl! it does look like the bottom of a tide pool...what a neat Idea!

  27. Nice to meet you, Tia, and thanks for the nice comments. I've added lots of tatting to this, and finished it just last night. I'll post the pics soon.

  28. I think this is so cool Susan - I love it!
    You guys are having such fun with this and it's so inspiring to see what you have created - lovely!

  29. Thanks Jillayne. It's so much fun to do, too. I loved stitching on this and trying to create an encrusted pebble. In fact, I hated to put it down, and was doing my pebble when I should have been doing other things!
    I'll probably begin my second pebble this weekend.


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