Thursday, March 29, 2012

Tatting, TAST & Treasures

As I've challenged myself to concentrate on my embroidery and CQing this year, I realize I've been missing  my tatting and painting.
I found a portion of a book ( pages 5-32) in the second -hand shop filled with edgings: crocheted, knitted, and tatted edgings. I tested this one in Lady Shuttlemaker's 'Victorian Valentine' thread, size 20.

Called edging A-648, it measures 1" deep.
I think it will be perfect for a seam treatment on a future CQ!
TAST this week is a catch-up week, so I stitched the whipped wheel I missed while I was sick.
I decided to have a bit of fun, and added stem stitch, french knots, and straight stitch to my whipped wheel garden.
I made some whipped wheel and reverse whipped wheel flowers.

Rachel, from The Piney Woods Tatter, sent me some treasures: 3 skeins of thread, pearls, an assortment of buttons, green beads, and a gorgeous pendant she tatted.
I know I'll have lots of fun using these! You know I love greens, so this package was perfect.
Thank you so much, Rachel!
You can see Rachel's tatting on her blog.
Hearing the small roar of falling water, I went for a walk up to the beaver pond.
Water has been trickling from the pond, over rocks and boulders, down the rocky hill, pooling in rock depressions, and gurgling over stones, twigs, and pebbles.
 It cascades downhill from the beaver pond, meandering here over the ground, and there beneath the clump of trees, around the rock hill, and down, down  to flow into the lake in the bay creating muddy splodges of colour.

Here, the ducks gather to feed on the grasses fed by the silt, the blue heron stands frozen, searching the waters below for a frog or two, and, the beavers emerge from the creek to patrol the lake.
The beaver pond shallows
the beaver pond, with the dam on the left.

I like the way the clouds and sky are reflected in the water.

I hope you're having blue skies today.

Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. Your pinkilicious tatted edging is so beautiful. Fabulous stitching on your garden of flowers. Greens are so soothing in nature and in creative supplies. How lovely your gift you received. I see lots of inspiration in that beaver pond walk of yours. Treasured Thursday dear...

  2. And to you, too, my friend. I hope your skies are sunny.....
    The beaver pond is so peaceful and quiet. I disturbed a duck who was paddling about when I took the picture. I hadn't seen him from below the dam..........but he flew off to a quieter part of the pond, and watched me.........

  3. Love the edging and is just perfect for CQ, nice stitching, and love the pkg of goodies. Wish I could be with you on your walk...

  4. Suz, oh my goodness!! So much eye candy in this post. The tatting is so pretty and I love the whipped wheels as flowers. The beaver pond photos are GORGEOUS.

  5. Hope you have a sunny day ,too, dear Suz-
    your photoes from nature are so very beautiful, and so is the pink tattered piece.
    Enjoy playing with all the greens.
    Hugs Dorthe

  6. Such a pretty edging you tatted. Very pretty variegated thread!

  7. Love your tatting and tatting in general but have never done any myself! love the embroidery too...sorry to hear you was sick :{

  8. Hi Suz what a pretty piece of tatting.
    You are so clever dear friend. It's so beautiful and too are the images of the cascading water into the lake. Just a touch of heaven - a very special place to be. We are both so fortunate to places like this.
    Enjoy your weekend,
    Hugs to you,

  9. Suz, that tatted edging is gorgeous! It will definitely be perfect for a block. You did a great job on your whipped wheel stitch too. Nice catching up!

  10. So many ways to use this gorgeous tatting!

  11. Thanks everyone for your lovely comments. Blogger wouldn't let me post replies earlier, but I sent you each a personal reply.

  12. Love the edging! Wish I could tat. (Maybe someday I'll learn.) Tatting edgings can be counted toward you CQing, since you can use them in that.

    Airy Nothing

  13. Faith, thanks for commenting on my blog. I often use my tatting in CQing as it's so much fun to design something unique for a special area. Hugs

  14. now that's what I call beautiful embroidery.....

  15. Thanks, Karen. I'm having fun learning as I do TAST. I'm really enjoying it!
    Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  16. Lovely edging, and gorgeous embroidery picture.

    Thank you for sharing your lovely photos, I hope the sun is shining with you today, We have sun but its a lot cooler this weekend.

  17. Hi Margaret. Today is April 1, so, no sun, but it is snowing. :-( Maybe it won't last......
    Thanks for your lovely comments.

  18. Your woven wheels are very well done, Suz. I particularly love the sun - sure hope it has come out for you by now.

  19. It was out yesterday, and this morning is shining brightly, thanks. I liked the sun, too, but worried I'd run out of yellow thread before I finished. ;-D

  20. Your whipped wheels and stitching all look terrific!! It was nice to take a TAST break last week and now on to some satin stitching :)

  21. Ah, yes, I've been thinking what to do with the satin stitch. Happy stitching!

  22. oooh those photos are so pretty! Canada is beautiful!
    Stitching in Saskatoon

  23. Thank you Monika, it's a very picturesque place.


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