Sunday, April 1, 2012

International Tatting Day

Today, April 1, is International Tatting Day!
To celebrate, I've tatted a sparkly, bead-studded butterfly for a little girl who recently broke her arm.

Do you think it has enough bling for a 5 year old?

I tatted a Lyn Morton pattern, 'Beaded Butterfly Brooch Pin' from her book "Tatting Jewellery".
I used a variegated Lizbeth thread, #129, size 40 with Kreinik polyester metallic thread in a #4 braid, 242HL. It's like a fuschia and purple blend. I've used Czech seed beads, size 6, in silver lined dark pink. It measures 2 1/4 " by 1 1/2", perfect for a brooch or a pendant.
Since the little girl's favourite colours are pink and purple, and since she also loves butterflies, I'm hoping she'll just adore what I've tatted.
Are you tatting today?

Yes, it's also April Fool's Day, and in true form, Mother Nature has left a layer of snow on the ground, and is threatening to pour with rain later. I hope you're having better weather.
Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. That's a charming little gift for a little girl! I'm sure she'll love it!
    Weather's fine here - much cooler than of late, but sunny sunny sunny! We need a bit of RAIN now!

  2. You can have my rain, Janet. I'll send it over.

  3. No luck with better weather here!! But I think we are not to far from each other anyway!! I`m not liking the rain day because it means that hubby is not on the golf course but home working on projects around the house!!! Oh please stop raining!!!!
    Love the butterfly and I am sure the little girl will too!!

  4. The butterfly is sure to be a big hit. Happy Tatting Day to you.

  5. Thanks so much, Kelly. Hope the weather improves, and DH can go golfing.

  6. I hope you're right Eliz. Happy tatting to you. Do you have chocolate?

  7. Happy International Tatting Day! I think the butterfly is adorable, and it has plenty of bling for a 5-year-old. I hope her arm heals quickly!

  8. Happy international tatting day,
    We have had a beautiful day with sunshine but not as warm as it has been during the week, the temperature is going fall this week, with snow in Scotland forecasted, here in the south west we might get some snow on Wednesday? when it travels down the country.
    I think your butterfly is beautiful and I hope her arm gets better soon

  9. Lovely butterfly, I am sure any small girl will love it.
    Looks like a lovely autumn day here, hoses on in the garden - again.

  10. If I break my arm would I get a butterfly as well :-))

  11. Very pretty butterfly and I think a 5 yr. old would love it! :)

  12. Lovely butterfly.
    I've shared tatting and chocolate today and now I'm going to sit back and get some serious tatting done - for me :-)
    We had beautiful weather here, sunny and kind of hot, about 85, a little warmer than average. A lovely day for tatting.

  13. This beautiful pink and lavender bling butterfly should make her smile with happiness. Healing hugs sent along...

  14. The butterfly would suit any girl, no matter what the age. Very sweet.

  15. Thanks Diane. Did you tat for ITD?

  16. Thanks Margaret. We awoke to snow, then later it rained. Figures. April fool's, right? But I tatted and sewed, so it was good. Hope you are well, and that the snow stays away.

  17. Glad you had a lovely day, Penny! Our snow and rain of yesterday have brought today's sunshine, though it's cold.Thanks for your comment. ;-)

  18. Thank you God's Kid! I hope you're right. The butterfly goes out in the mail today.

  19. Sounds like a perfect day, Tattrldy! I got into some chocolate, too. ;-D
    Maybe you'll send some of that hot weather my way? It's only -2C here.

  20. Thank you, Createology! I hope it does. Wishing you warm sunshine......

  21. Thank you, Dian. It will go out in today's mail, so I hope she receives it soon.

  22. Hi Doreen! I'd be happy to make you a butterfly! (no broken arm necessary!!!) anytime.

  23. Thank you Anne. Love the Fab Furry ones, and just to let you know, my DH used to be a lilac thief..........and brought me home bouquets of lovely aroma........

  24. lucky 5 year old I say! thank you so much for the constant encouragement too....I appreciate it so much, K

  25. Looks absolutely lovely!! International Tatting Day on April 1st which is also my birthday!! I really have to learn to tat now :)

  26. Well Happy Belated Birthday, JPP! Hope it was a wonderful day.

  27. Cute butterfly.Am sure this'll be a big hit and the little one will like it.

  28. Thanks Anita. I sure hope you're right! Have a lovely day.

  29. Lucky 5 year old.
    I love the variety of weather we are having, when its wet I stay inside and create and when its dry I am outside. Well that's when I'm not working. I am amazed you have any time to tatt at all you seem to be everywhere on the internet, well on blogs at least you are so good at responding and commmenting on blogs.

  30. Thanks Jill! To tell, well, living in the bush, as I do, blogland is kind of my social life (sad, eh?) and I'm nosy and want to see everything! Besides, my inner critic thinks that if I'm online all hours, I can't be doing much creating.......nasty she is! lol. Hope you're creating lots of neat stuff.
    Hugs from Suz


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