Thursday, May 17, 2012

TAST- Bullion Knot and CQJP

I don't know why it's called a bullion knot stitch.....I think it should be called a bullion wrap instead. Seems to me I've wrapped the thread around the needle at least a bullion
I've been making bullions:
DH calls them worms......

I have variegated green bullions
and more, here....

there's so many

I wonder why they're all together like that.....

they do look like worms, crawling over each other.....
oh, look! It's a tree!....well...sort of......

and the tree topper?

it's supposed to be  Shisha, but I used a really large sequin for the mirror, and tried the shisha stitch to secure it

in the top of the 'mirror' is a smaller silver sequin, then a green sequin topped with a red crystal
you can see the sequin shape and a bit of the stitching. This is as close as I could get, so sorry it's somewhat blurry

The tree is on my May CQJP

Mr, Snowman is admiring the lovely Christmas tree.

I'm sure he'd be pointing to it, if he only had arms.........

hmmm, the tree topper isn't centered.....

so it looks a lot like our Christmas

Mr. S was getting a little unruly-looking, so I used some silver metallic thread and buttonhole stitch around the outside of his 'snow' to tame the threads.

He's staring at me with his black crystal eyes.
I think he wants arms, don't you?

I hope that you're doing something you enjoy.

Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. Bullions came perfect daughter also call them worms and never want to wear the dress when she was child...:)

  2. Thanks Lakshmi! That's funny your daughter wouldn't wear the bullion dress. I can understand, though.....I don't think I'd want to wear worms either.
    Happy Stitching and Hugs

  3. Nice tree there Suz! You put a lot more into yours than I did mine. It looks great and I love the Shisha topper. Great idea. Mr. S looks as though he is up to something so you better keep an eye on him. Who knows what he might do with arms!

  4. i've not tried the bullion stitches, they looks cute! uh, i think mr S needs arms... :)

  5. they are great bullions, love how they are all piled on top of each other great way to do a tree, would not want to do too big a one though as it would be billions and billions of bullions

  6. Suztats,
    I love it! It's fun watching it come to life! It is amazing work & a joy to see Mr. Snowman has a tree now if he only had a wife..LOL!Hugs,

  7. Thanks Connie. I look forward to seeing your tree. I'll keep an eye on Mr. S. Should I re-think those arms?

  8. I think that's a good idea, Val, giving Mr. S a pair of arms.
    Thanks & hugs

  9. You're right, Margaret. My tree is only 2 1/2" by 3 3/4", and by the time I'd finished, I felt as though I'd done a million....heheheh........
    I did get faster, too.

  10. I can't give Mr. S a could he hug her?....he has no arms!
    I think he may have a girlfriend on another block.......but it's a long distance love affair........she's more than arm's reach away........
    ah, you never know what might happen, though....

  11. What a wonderful stitch! I remember loving it back in my embroidery days. The green really showcases the shape - great thread!
    Fox : )

  12. What a wonderful stitch! I remember loving it back in my embroidery days. The green really showcases the shape - great thread!
    Fox : )

  13. Thanks Fox! I really know how to do the bullion now, tee hee. I used an assortment of threads and embroidery floss and mixed them up, too. ( threadworks, wildflowers, unknown threads, and DMC) It was fun.

  14. Love the joke. Your bullions look great. Variegated thread is nice. The tree looks much more natural than if it were straight-ours never are.

  15. Your bullions are lovely - must be a lot of work! And I think the snowman needs some arms - and maybe a broom?
    Singing in a concert, that's what I'll be enjoying this weekend!

  16. Your bullion stitches are wonderful and they look great on the tree! Hmmm... yes, I agree with you he is definitely asking for arms!

  17. Thanks Sandy. Christmas trees only look perfect in magazine shoots, but the imperfections in our own trees make them special, right?

  18. Sing on, Puppet Lady! Our choir Spring Concert series is next weekend.
    Do you think if I gave Mr. S some arms and a broom, he'd sweep my floors for me? Have a wonderful weekend.

  19. Thanks, Stacie! I'll have to build Mr. S. some arms, then, I guess. Poor guy can't even straighten his wobbly hat! lol
    Have a great weekend!

  20. oh yes...I love bullions too and here comes that snowman again! Thanks for the comments x the cloth is for my aunt....

  21. Lucky Aunt, Karen. It's lovely.

  22. Thank you so much, Luiz. I'm honoured.
    You do such wonderful and innovative embroidery!

  23. Love the way you've mixed up the threads,suz. When I saw the third image from top I imagined it as a mountain with a boulder dangerously balanced on top :)

  24. It looks more like a mountain (ok hill) to me, but it are lovely bullion knots!

  25. Well that's the first time I have seen a tree made of bullions. I just love that stitch!
    You are doing great work Suz.
    Thanks for your lovely comment today.

  26. Yes, I can see that shiny boulder, Deepa! Thank you.
    Hope you are having good stitching time.

  27. Thanks Miriam! Isn't it funny how we all see the same thing differently? Thanks for your comment.

  28. Thanks so much, Suziqu! Hope today is a good one.

  29. At first I thought there had been a hatching of worms and was quite excited about that concept, but then I saw the entire thing and was even more intrigued. So perfect for a tree!

  30. Thanks Magpie! The hatching worms would be exciting......especially if they were silk worms! Hope you're having a wonderful weekend.

  31. Your bullions look so perfect!
    Mmmm, I think I liked Mr. S more with his wild hair.

  32. Your bullions look so perfect!
    Mmmm, I think I liked Mr. S more with his wild hair.

  33. The wild hair was getting into the bullions, so I had to trim them. You don't think I've cut away all Mr. S's attitude, do you? The trick with making so many bullions on top of one another is that you can hide all the lumpy ones underneath.
    Have a good stitching week, Marjolein.

  34. Your bullion 'worms' are charming! (I wouldn't have worn that dress either!)

  35. Thanks Emma. I think I might have worn would depend whether or not my sister hated worms....I would wear it just to 'bug' her ( pun not intended, but hey, it works) lol

  36. Very neat idea to make your bullions into a tree! Looks like you did a lot of wrapping!!

  37. I was a wrap-happy camper! lol!
    I do enjoy the bullion knot, so this was quite fun. Thanks Jeanette.

  38. So glad you gave Mr. S arms! I'd love to hear more about your concert. Do you sing or play?


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