Saturday, May 26, 2012



I've been working on my May CQJP, and there have been a few changes:

Mr. Snowman changed his scarf to a red 
one, and, look!  He now has twiggy arms. 
That makes it easier to hold the tinsel he's 
putting on the Christmas tree.

Can you see the little copper decorations he's already hung on the tree? There are sparkles, too.

Tast stitch for this week, Butterfly Chain Stitch, decorates my CQ block..... it was fun to do.....
Looks as though Mr. S. has decorated the hall for a party. .....icicle lights strung along the wall......and snowflakes  hung here and there......

I wonder what else he's planning to do..........
My WIP's are from my Basic Crazy Quilting Course at StitchMAP.

 A little bit of tatting on the second needlebook I'm making as a gift
here's a peek at some more seam treatments.........

My needlebook is all embellished and it was fun playing with different seam treatments and layering them in search of something unique.
The middle one is herringbone, but it could be made using V's too for a little different look
I've completed the seam treatments on my thread roll-up although I may add some beads later......

there's some stitching going on on the pale orange time I hope to be finished two motifs and a spider web....

Sounds like a lot of stitching coming up.......

We have our choir concert series this week: 1 dress rehearsal, and three performances, so I might not be around very much. (And, to save time, I just copied my post from The Tuesday Stitchers blog.)
Have a great weekend!

Hope you have some fun stitching, too!
Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. Looks like you've been busy! Nice eye candy to look at - thank you.

  2. Thank you Magpie. I've been trying to stitch.....just a lot happening at the moment.
    Hope you're enjoying a nice weekend.

  3. Some very, very nice stitching here Suz.I have just been doing a Very Small CQ. things.I am Very's practise, practise for me.
    Lovely Post.

  4. You certainly have been busy Sue, love your Mr Santa and those bullions on the tree are gorgeous. It is certainly beginning to look like xmas and wont be long before it is now that May is over.
    Your CQ blocks and stitching are beautiful I love the colours.

  5. What lovely work. You have managed to do a lot of stitching,

  6. Hi Judy! Nice to see you popping in. Small CQ's are great for practicing! I'll look forward to seeing your CQing soon. Thanks

  7. Thank you, Dian. I do love hand stitching. I just need more hours in the day for doing it. Know where I can get some? lol

  8. Hi Suz,
    Your stitching is beautiful, -so many different ones, I love your needlebook. Hugs from,Dorthe

  9. Good lookin' stitchin' girlie! I really like the snowman and his twiggy arms!

  10. Thank you, Dorthe! I'm still learning, but I'm having fun!
    Hope you've had a wonderful weekend.

  11. Thank you, Deb! i thought of beefing up those arms so they could hold more they wouldn't be twiggy then, would they? Some things are just not supposed to be changed......ha ha
    Hope you've been having a schwalming good time!

  12. Lovely work, Suz. Glad you gave the snowman some arms! Good luck with your concerts. Hope they go well.

  13. Thanks Janet. The concerts went splendidly, and was enjoyed by the audience and performers alike. Our encore number was "Hair" and as many of the performers donned funky and freaky wigs, there was much laughter in the theater.
    Hope your knitting is going smoothly: I've been saving your wonderful puppet patterns!

  14. Mr. Snowman is just adorable and he is very handsome with his red scarf and twig arms. I am enjoying all of your wonderful seam treatments and stitches. Blissful Stitching...

  15. I love your snowman, and his twig arms are just wonderful.
    I am also esecially loving your different seam treatments - such glorious colours and textures. What an exceptionally beautiful project Suz!

  16. It is a bit strange to look at a Christmas block while it has been nice warm weather all week (finally). Mr S really has done his utmost. Especially while hanging those lovely lights.

  17. Thank you so much, Createology. I hope you're having fun with your quilting.

  18. Thank you, Jillayne. What a lovely thing to say! I'm having fun experimenting. Hope you're having some fun stitching time.

  19. Marjolein, you should have seen Mr. S perched on a chair trying to reach that silvery string! I thought he might fall and break one of his twigs. lol
    We haven't had too warm weather yet, but I hope stitching about Christmas will help cool me down when the heat hits. Thanks.

  20. Mr snowman is looking great but do you think he is a bit lonely and needs a Mrs Snowman.
    Also enjoyed looking at your crazy quilt blocks I find them so interesting and everyone does them differently

  21. Hi Margaret! Mr. S. hasn't confided in me yet whether or not he has a special you never know......
    I'm glad you enjoyed my CQ blocks. Have a good week.

  22. as take the most beautifully coloured cloth and embellish wonderfully. I am sorry though...that snow man freaks me out. I really don't want to think about Christmas yet so I am off to bury my head in some sand!

  23. Karen, thank you so much for those lovely words!
    Hey, I'm just warming up for 'Christmas in July"
    Actually, I'm afraid there'll be more Christmas stuff coming......that's the theme of my CQJP wall-hanging. There may even be more snow-people!


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