Friday, June 1, 2012

A Little Birdy

appeared on a branch on my thread roll-up, and I thought you might like to have a peek:

 here's a closer look
Those 'feathers' make me smile!

a required stitch was the double feather, and I wanted to use it to indicate leaves on the branch, but they looked too much like ferns, so I added detached chain stitches

there are white, half-circle bullion flowers on the tree
I've been distracted lately as I've also been working on my first ever quilt, as a birthday gift for DDIL. She loves the Lorax, and I just happened to find some Lorax material online........

it needs some tweaking before I quilt the whole thing....the batting and backing are on.......but I need to iron it and 'fix' one of the panels........
the size is approximately 4' wide by 5' long and the backing is another Lorax pattern........
hope she'll like her personal quilt
The clematis is blooming.......
you can't tell from the pic, but this white flower has delicate shades of mauve in the petals and a purple center
I transplanted this iris last fall, and I'm pleased it's blooming so well

DH and I are off tomorrow for a week's holiday, so I shan't be posting or visiting my fave blogs.........
Have a wonderful week! See you when I get back......
Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. I love the bird,Cute feathers!
    It feels so good to see your Iris and clematis.

  2. Pretty pretty bird...and lovely flowers!

  3. Dear Suz, the quilt looks wonderful, I so love your bird- and the colours are fantastic. Love the Clematis and the beautiful flowers as well.
    I wish you a beautiful holiday, dear-see you again later.

  4. What a sweet birdie.Have a FABULOUS time!!!
    See you when you get back.
    Judy xx

  5. The bird is "WOW!" Great job. The quilt is pretty cute, I'm sure she'll love it. Thanks for sharing the flowers.

  6. Your little birdie is fabulous. Safe travels...

  7. The bird looks great..and colorful :)
    Enjoy your holiday!!


  8. such a sweet little bird and your quilt is looking great. Have a good time away and catch up when you are back, you might not get this until you come home if so welcome home!

  9. The bird is simply wonderful! I like the quilt, too. She's going to love it, I predict.

  10. The bird is cute, sweet, lovely . and the clematis wonderful, greeting you from my holidays in Croatia.

  11. that little bird is amazing.....and I have a Clematis just like that!

  12. Thanks everyone for all the nice things you've written!

  13. Hi Susan! (yes, I am belatedly commenting!)
    Your bird block is TO DIE FOR!! I love the feathers and all the color and movement in the block! Future heirloom and sooo precious! Into my Inspiration File it goes. Like you, I have been bit by the sane quilting bug and am starting five quilts for the Grands for Christmas... Also, I love your iris. So much eye candy in this wonderful post!! Hugs, Cat K

  14. Thank you so much, Cathy! Wow! 5 quilts? That's a lot of work! There's lots to know about sane quilting that I'm learning..... ummm, sometimes after the fact....... :-O so I've been frogging. I hate frogging.
    Hope all is going well and you're having some fun stitching time.

  15. The stitching on your branch looks great and the bird looks super!! What a lovely clematis you have!


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