Friday, August 10, 2012

Mail, a Butterfly and Hummingbirds

Going out in the mail this week:
an ATC for a special lady. And see? There's tatting!

a simple edging in 'Luna' sz 40 thread

I painted her a card, too, with Special Wishes
See this gorgeous butterfly?
It came all the way from Australia and fluttered into my mailbox!
It was created by Arlene and I won it! Thanks Arlene, I love it!

I took a quite a few pics of the hummingbirds that come to my feeder. I've seen as many as 9 at one time bombing the feeder and each other.

I took the pics through the window, so I'm afraid there's some lines from the camera's reflection. drat!

I love watching the hummers zip about
the wings beat so quickly, they look like a blur
sometimes they share


this one is frightened by the bubbles

I tried to get some shots of the males, but they seem to zip away too quickly

I love the hummers, but they're going through a whole container of food every day!

I have to go buy some more sugar.

Hope you're day is humming along.      ( sorry, I had to....but you knew I would, didn't you?
Thanks for visiting.

Hugs from Suz


  1. The birds are amazing, and so glad your butterfly made it safe.


  2. Those birds are brilliant how clever to get those super pictures,
    Beautiful butterfly well done.
    The card and present looks beautiful
    I hope you have a humming weekend

  3. Your ATC and hand painted card are both so beautiful! What a wonderfully personal gift to give.

    Love the photo of your HBs, especially the one observing the bubbles.

  4. Thank you so much, Arlene! Hope you're having a wonderful weekend!

  5. I didn't make the butterfly, Margaret. Arlene created it. I love it! Thanks for the nice comments. I hope the sun is shining.

  6. Connie, i think that's my fave HB pic, too! Thanks.

  7. Those are great pictures of the hummers! I've tried to get pictures but never seem to be able to manage it - generally they manage to zip out of the frame just as I push the shutter.

  8. Hi Magpie,
    The feeder is just outside one of the sunroom windows, so they are getting used to seeing us, and as long as we stand quite still, they are usually fine. I had to hold the camera in place for a while before they accepted it, and then it was just a matter of waiting for poses. It helps that we seem to have so many here this year. Funny to note, though, that the males seem more skittish than the

  9. The pieces are very lovely, but I am in awe of the photos! You have captured these fantastically fast creatures so well, Suz. Kudos.
    Fox : )

  10. Thanks, Fox! They are amazing little creatures, aren't they? It helps that they sit still on the feeder for me. But they are hungry little things......I have to go fill up the other feeder......almost emptied the large one in only 18 hours ..........that's a lot of sugar!
    Have a good weekend.

  11. You're a lucky lady, the butterfly is so pretty! Love the photo's of the birds.

  12. Thank you Annet. I am very lucky, I know. Hope you're having a good weekend.

  13. Sweet little hummingbirds. I am amazed you got so many photos of the little elusive beauties. Your butterfly is gorgeous. How special this ATC and card are for your friend. The tatted edge is so pretty. Enjoying summer smiles...

  14. Lovely pics of the hummingbirds,wish I could see them in person.Both your ATC and painted cards are beautiful,Your friend is lucky!Congratulations for winning Arlene's butterfly,it's so pretty.

  15. Thank you Createology. I'm so glad you like them! Hope it's sunny, but not too hot.

    Thanks so much Anita. Hope you're having a wonderful Sunday.

  16. yet again you spoil us with your beautiful colour choices....

  17. ignore the lower web thingy...I meant to copy and past my new site!! I am dumb!

  18. Love your birdie photos! It's like watching a little mini soap opera!! Have you ever had one to buzz you when you were out in the garden? It'll scare you half to death!!!

  19. Thanks Starr. Stay tuned for more humdinger photos. The hummers have buzzed me in the garden many times and really startled me!
    The other day, I was replacing an empty feeder, and heard one come up from behind me, buzz over my shoulder and hover by the feeder. I was still adjusting it, but the brave little lady looked me over, figured out I wasn't a threat, and promptly sat down less than a foot from my face, and started to drink. It was a Wow! moment for sure.


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