Sunday, August 12, 2012

TAST- Cast-On Stitch

 I've been working on some Christmas stockings for a swap at StitchMAP and thought it would be a nice surface for TAST this week.

I used a cream silky, gimp-like thick thread with a strand of DMC silver thread to create some flowers and leaves.
french knots for the flower centers
cream on cream is hard to photograph, so I had to magnify these quite a bit....
here's how the stocking looks so far

the theme is silver
 though some of the fabrics look quite gold in the pic, they are more of a cream colour.......

I'll show more later as I make progress on my swap stockings

Hope you're having a wonderful stitchy week!

Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. they're gorgeous, and that came through just perfectly on your photographs. Seeing your lovely work from week to week has got my fingers twitching!

  2. Looking very nice so far, the pictures are fine and the ream does look cream.

  3. Oh, good, Jillayne! What will you be creating? I'll be popping by to see.
    Hugs from Suz

  4. Thanks Margaret! It helps to know how other people 'see' it, too. Have a wonderful week!

  5. Just popping in to say have the most wonderful time visiting your family. I have been thinking about you every day and can " feel " your excitement from here!
    Love Linda

  6. Thanks Linda! Only 7 more sleeps until they're knocking at my door! Yay!

  7. This thread combo is beautiful and I like this stitch. As for your swap stocking...gorgeous and what a lucky recipient to be certain. Blissful stitching dear...

  8. Your cast on flowers look really pretty. I like the effect you have made.

    Not long to go now!!!1

  9. Createology, thank you for the lovely comment. I have 2 more stockings in the works, and I hope they'll turn out nicely.

    Shirley, I love the cast-on stitch. It's so dimensional, and adds a nice 3-D effect. Just 3 more sleeps! Oh, boy!

  10. this is the colours but then again you knew that didn't you!!!


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