Saturday, August 18, 2012

TAST and WIP's

TAST this week is the Pekinese Stitch and I've started a CQ block with a cute pic of my granddaughter, and I thought it would be the perfect spot to add some lacy looking stitches. Can you say pretty pink pekinese?
Jewel is pretty with a flowery pink headband and surrounded with layers of pink fabrics
here's a better look at the pekinese in Wildflowers Primrose thread. The colours are lovely, I think
I can see in this close up that I need to work on my tension.......
I have 2 layers done, and I'm thinking of adding at least 1 more........
The first Christmas stocking for the StitchMAP swap is finished. The theme is silver, and I'm pleased with how it turned out........
on the second stocking I added some silver buttons with a silver flower charm
here's how it looks so far.........
stocking three may just have a silver shisha on some silver looks like a very, very fine mesh
I added some silver jingle bells on silver beaded 'rope'

silver stitching and beads
a silver and white bead trail on lace

stocking #3 so far
I've been knitting a little dress for baby Jewel
here's the front all finished, and I'm almost done the back ......... since I don't know just how tall she is, I'll wait until after she arrives before I knit the dress together.......

only 2 more sleeps until our daughter, her hubby, and Baby Jewel arrive!!
I'm so excited!!
I expect to be quite busy enjoying the family, so I may not be able to post regularly. Although I have a couple posts prepared for when my company is here, I may not be able to reply to your wonderful comments, but I'll be thinking of you.
I know I'll miss reading your blogs and seeing what you're creating, but I'll have lots of time to catch up once my company leaves mid-October, to return home to Australia. But while they're here, I plan to enjoy every moment!
Wishing you all weeks of stitching fun, good weather, and happy, creative days!

Thanks for visiting.

Hugs from Suz


  1. Suz your stitching is blissful. That Pekinese stitch is wonderful. Your baby granddaughter is precious and your knit dress is such an heirloom for her to wear and keep. Enjoy family and make wonderful memories my dear...

  2. Suz, I love the poinsettia fabric on your stockings. The silver theme for stockings is wonderfully sparkly too. Enjoy that new little baby! We'll be here.

  3. What a pretty stitch that is, and I LOVE the stocking. Can you believe it that Christmas fabrics are beginning to appear in the shops! LOVELY ones too...I have already bought some (as if I need them!!).

  4. Love the sparklies on the stocking! The dress is adorable, and I envy your knitting ability

  5. Your pekinese stitching is very nicely done Susan and the Primrose colour is lovely. Have a wonderful and happy time with your family!!

  6. Love the mesh-look.. pretty.

    Your little red dress is adorable! Enjoy the family!
    Fox : )

  7. Love the photo of Jewel...she is precious!
    I can see you have been busy too with more to come. I'm so happy for you that they are getting to visit :)
    Have a wonderful time with your family and enjoy every single minute... the blogs etc will still be here later.

  8. Oh Sue, love the photo of Jewel she looks really cute and beautiful. The big day will be here by now, and I know you are going to have a wonderful time with the family. Your stitching and the little dress are gorgeous.

    Enjoy your visit from the family have lots of fun.

  9. Silver theme stockings looks great!Jewel is so cute...Have fun with your family!

  10. That frame embroidery looks so cute. The design is really pretty. How I wish I know how to stitch.
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  11. I love little bells!!! and they are so cute...have a wonderful time with your visitors!

  12. Your pekinese stitch looks great.
    I plan on catching up with TAST the next few weeks.
    Jewel looks as a real gem. I wish you a wonderful time with your family.


I love to read your comments!