Tuesday, September 18, 2012

A Sunday Stroll

Sunday was a beautiful day, but the morning began with a thick mist on the lake
this pic was taken at 7:30 a.m.
a half-hour later
out the door for our stroll, I spied a hit of red
the leaves have begun to fall
huge boulders on the side of the hill
sunlight and shadow in the trees
a burl
I wonder how this would look as a bowl and what the wood pattern might be
sun streaming through the trees along the driveway
green turning to brown
the ferns are dying
lots of dead-fall in the bush
this fellow's cheeks were full to bursting

he must have been to the bird feeder
another burl, this one on a maple tree
looks rather like a hairy bum
This rock marks the small hill leading to our home
it has waves of pale grey weaving along its surface
 on our return

I love the pattern of leaves against the granite
 turning burgundy
our heart-nut tree is thriving, now that it's protected from the deer

even the sedum is looking rosy red
I was surprised to find two buds on this clematis!
 diamonds on the water in the bay
I think this close-up would make a neat painting
turtle island in the afternoon, and back home from our stroll

Thanks for joining me!

Hope you have sunshine today.
Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. hat 'hit of red' has me shaking in my boots - (summer ones!)
    Fox : )

  2. Thanks for sharing your lovely photos, the way you have painted the picture of autumn, it won't be long here either, just little bits here and there turning colour.
    The sun is shining on and off here but we have had some rain, it's been the story of our summer, rain,rain and more rain. Hopefully the autumn might be better.

  3. Pretty red leaves...loved seeing your walk, very lovely area!

  4. I know what you mean, Fox. Every year it seems to hit earlier than the year before....or maybe I'm just dreading it more .....lol

  5. Margaret, I hope your autumn is an Indian Summer! May the sun shine, and the days be warm.

  6. Thanks, Julie. It is a wonderful place, peaceful and beautiful, but also a little too remote, I'm afraid. We love it, but everyone and everything is quite far away.........

  7. Suz this was a lovely Fall stroll. Your neighborhood is so peaceful and full of nature's best inspirations. Seeing it through your lense was blissful. Thank you dear...

  8. Suz, basically I am rather lazy when it comes to strolling so you can imagine how much I have enjoyed this stroll with you, if I had places like you I am sure I would stroll more!!

  9. I really enjoyed having a peek into your beautiful part of the world, Suz. Thanks for sharing!

  10. A lovely comment, thank you, Createology. I'm glad you enjoyed the stroll. Hope you're having warm autumn days to enjoy.

  11. Margaret, I'm so glad you came along with me. I love to show off this area where I live as it's rather special, I think. I usually go for a walk or a stroll every day.

  12. I'm so glad the Turtle Island tonic worked for you! I often find that looking over the lake, or walking in the woods brings peace to my soul. The majesty of the forest and the solidity of the bedrock always make my worries or problems seem insignificant in their presence.
    Wishing you continued peace and serenity....

  13. I'm glad you enjoyed the stroll, Starr!

  14. Really beautiful!Whenever I'm distressed, I would take a stroll on my farm, enjoying the nature as it is.

  15. I wish I'd been there with you:)I don't get to see such a beautiful scene everyday ,living in a city has it's disadvantages..Beautiful pictures Suz,like sun streaming through the trees.Now you've inspired me to start a painting.Thanks for the visual treat..

  16. Oh, Anita, I hope you'll post a pic of your painting! I'm so glad you liked the stroll.

  17. Ina, I think Nature is a balm to one's soul. Walking among the trees always seems to put my troubles in perspective, and design difficulties can often be resolved, too. I think the animals on the farm would make for wonderful distractions.

  18. you live in such a beautiful place.....

  19. I do, Karen. I love the place but it's just too far away from everything, unfortunately. Guess it's the price one has to pay......

  20. Nice photos, Suz! Looks like a great way to spend an afternoon.

  21. Susan,
    I always enjoy the lovely pictures of mother nature which you share..soothing to heart and soul..
    thanks dear for sharing them..

  22. Susan, how wonderful are your photos - each of them - for me the most lovely is the one with the red leaves on the ground "the leaves have begun to fall". Just now - tomorrow my choice might be different.

  23. You're most welcome, Lakshmi! I love to share pics of my little corner. Thanks.

  24. Anneliese, I like the look of leaves on the ground.....as long as I don't have to rake them!! lol In the forest, they look beautiful, and there's not a rake in sight.


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