Saturday, September 15, 2012

I'm Back!

I'm back! Our daughter and her family are touring for a couple weeks before they return for another visit. It sure has been quiet around here since they left!
So, that means I've had a little time to catch up on some stitching! Yay!

the sheaf stitch
pardon the blur
the pistil stitch is couching down a piece of pink velvet ribbon
both stitches are on my Jewel block

I'm hoping to have this all finished before our daughter and family head home to Australia
gee, I better get stitching! There are so many bare seams!

 I've finished Jewel's dress!
I tatted two flowers in the red bamboo yarn to cover the stitching on the shoulder seams, and then I tatted a colourful flower for the front, adding some red beads to the center for a wee touch of bling. Jewel  likes sparklies--she's always trying to take off my earrings, and my rings. Can't wait to see her in her dress!

This flower will sit on top of the shoulder

the coloured flower is the same pattern as the red ones, but has 1 more row added for a bit of frill
I am so pleased this turned out. I still need to block the dress.......

The Christmas Stockings in Silver theme were finished, and received by the Swap Moderator.

Do you think 'Silver' when you see them?

I had a lot of fun making them, and placing little goodies inside.

My September block looked like this last time:
sorry it's a bit blurred

I had previously couched down a silky ribbon using a thin thread
and another section with a thicker thread
last night I began a stem stitch design with a gorgeous, variegated, Stef Francis rayon thread. The pic does not capture the shine, unfortunately
so my September block looks like this, now

lots more stitching to do, so I better get busy!

in the garden the red roses are blooming....the last hurrah before the first frost, I think

my favourite rose has grown taller this year than ever before, and has bloomed continuously all summer
this little fellow had burrowed into the layer of cedar mulch beneath one of the clematis by the south door

I wonder if he'll hide here over the winter
a yard sale yielded this bundle of lace plus a few other goodies

9 yards of pretty laces for $3!  What a bargain. I have plans for all the frilly goodies......

I hope you've had a few happy weeks while I've been visiting with my daughter's family. Thanks for all your comments on my last few posts-- I do appreciate them!
Hope this weekend is filled with wonderful stitching, or tatting, or whatever makes your heart sing.
Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. Glad you're back! Such a lovely little dress you've created - I do hope there will be modeling pictures to come?

  2. I hope so, if I can get the little one to try it on!

  3. That dress is adorable! (So is the little critter in the photo!)
    Fox : )

  4. wonderful little dress, and welcome back :x, good to have you posting again :)

  5. not sure wheer to start, lots of lovely things here, dress is beautiful, quilt blocks especially the pink one lovely and your garden must be a delight.

  6. I've never seen tatted yarn. Your flowers were the PERFECT addition to that little dress. Loved your roses and your toad...or is he a frog? I think his mottled colors and bulging eyes are great. Makes me want to stitch him...xo Susan

  7. I love how you did the pistil stitch. and the little baby things a re so lovely - a joy to see and probably a joy to have done

  8. Again me: your purchase is so so good! and the stockings look sliver to me!

  9. What a lot of wonderfulness to catch up on - love the flowers on the pretty dress, lovely stitching, beautiful dragonfly, a very silver stocking & stunning hummingbird ballet!

  10. Thanks, Fox! It's the only piece of clothing I've knit besides one simple sweater, and I'm pleased with how it turned out. That little toad had such nice colouring.

  11. Thank you, Bree, it's good to be back.

  12. Thanks, Margaret. The garden is slowing down. We had frost last night, so I cut all the roses and brought them inside.

  13. Hi Susan! I think, because I needle tat, that I can use thicker threads for tatting, but this may be the first time I've tatted with yarn! It's fun to experiment.
    I'm pretty sure that little fellow is a toad, and it was his colouring t hat caught my eye. I can just imagine how great he'd look with your stitching magic!

  14. You're right, Anneliese, there has been joy in each stitch, creating for my granddaughter! Thanks.

  15. Thanks Emma! Hope your holiday is wonderful!

  16. it's nice to get your own time back within the visit and look forward to their return. You are certainly making the most of it.

  17. I know I rarely comment, but I do follow what you've been up to. I think I've said this before, you have the most interesting things on your blog. Your latest square is beyond adorable. May your needle fly and be done before you know it!

  18. That's so true, Karen. I'm trying to catch up and maybe even get a little ahead so I don't fall so far behind when they return. Fingers crossed.

  19. Thanks Strphanie! What nice comments you wrote! :-D

  20. Wow Suz you have been very busy. The little knit dress with yarn tatted flowers is precious. Your CQ projects are all coming along so nicely. The stockings are completed and will be hung by the chimney by the lucky recipients. Lovely laces you acquired for such a bargain. Mr. Toad is very grand and has a perfect hiding spot. Roses are glorious and give so much joy to us. Happy visiting with your family when they return my dear...

  21. Thanks so much, Sherry! I'm trying to cram in as much stitching as possible before they return, lest I fall behind again. Hope you are enjoying the last days of summer......

  22. The TAST pistil and sheaf stitches look very nice on your cute Jewel block and the knitted dress with tatted flowers looks fabulous!! Love the toad picture and the roses are beautiful. We had a hard frost last night so my flowers are done for another year. Time to bring in the amaryllis bulbs from the garden though.

  23. Thanks JPP! Yes, the nights are getting quite crisp, and I had blankets over my planters to save them from the worked for now at least. How many amaryllis bulbs do you have? I have 2 that I've kept for several years now.

  24. I was stressed this a.m. so I came here to have a look at Turtle Island. Ah! I know how it feels to be there - you have to have been there to know the special vibe Ontario forests and lakes.

    Thanks for the photo. Very serene. Did the trick.
    Fox : )

  25. You showed many beautiful pictures of turtle island. I would love to see it in reality, alas...too far away for a visit.
    The pink Jewel block looks so pretty. I suppose you will add a lot of bling bling, as Jewel likes sparklies. What are you planning to do with this block?
    I sure think "silver" when I see you stockings. They are on my to-do-list too.

  26. Turtle Island is a little oasis of serenity. I hope you enjoy the pics even if you can't visit.
    The Jewel block will have a bit of bling added to it, since Jewel likes sparklies so much, but I don't want to take too much attention away from that gorgeous little face! I hope to have the block finished before our daughter and her family leave to return home in mid-October. I'm not sure if it will be hooped and decorated for a wall hanging, turned into a pillow, or placed into a shadow box. I was thinking the first one would allow Jewel the opportunity to touch and feel, but the choice will be my daughter's to make.
    I'll look forward to seeing your stockings.


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