Saturday, September 22, 2012


Jewel Block
lace daisies
 tiny heart buttons and gathered organza ribbon
a nice pink trim

(is this a gimp trim?)
clusters of tatted Josephine knots create 'wisteria' sprays
stems and a leaf using 1 strand variegated rayon thread and 2 strands of green embroidery floss
pink pistils and pink chain
and Jewel is looking so cute!

I plan to add a few more flower clusters, and at least 1 more stem

then perhaps some more seam treatments

I found a hand-written pattern for this lace amongst some tissue stencils I'd purchased at the second hand shop, and wanted to test knit it to see how it looked
anyone recognize the pattern?
I used size 10 thread and a 5mm needle

 I've been working on my September CQJP.
This is a nice rayon thread, and you can see the varigation, but the shine doesn't seem to show
white bullions and stem stitch with silver beads

some of those bullions look a wee wonky.....I'll have to try and fix that
and it now looks like this

lots more to do!

I hope you've had a week of fun stitching or creating.

Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. What beautiful things you've been doing! Each picture was my favorite ... until the next one came up! I do love the wisteria, though, and that knitted lace. Each picture reveals some wonderful thing. Great week and great block!

  2. Jewel is precious and so is this CQ block you are creating. The tatted Wisteria is beautiful and really brings the focal to the tiny photo. Your stitching is just wonderful my dear. Weekend Bliss...

  3. Thanks CQ4Fun! I had a good stitching week, and look forward to a couple more before our company returns.

  4. Thanks Sherry! I'd hoped the wisteria would point prettily towards that gorgeous little gem!
    Hope you get some weekend time in your studio.

  5. a lovely collection of trimmings, especially the pink gimp, have not come across any of that before. Any chance of instructions of how you do your josephine knots, hope they are needle tatting not shuttle, would like to have a go, thanks

  6. As a lace knitted, I don't recognise the pattern but it would have been knitted on size 14 uk or 2.25 needles and thin cotton possible size 40 or 60 but it could be knitted with size 20 and size 12 or 2.50 needles,

    Lovely sprays of tatted flowers, your stitching just gets better every month.

    If you want any more knitted lace patterns let me know and I will e-mail you some

  7. Beautiful wisteria. I can see the Josephine knots. The rings are tatted too, aren't they? Did you make all items separate and then sewed them on? I enjoy seeing this block grow.
    Have a nice Sunday!

  8. Sure Margaret! Yes, I'm a needle tatter. :-D
    where s = 2nd half of the ds
    R = ds, x(s) CL R where x = number of desired s
    I usually begin with:
    CH = ds, 27 s ( to make the swirly bit) (# of s varies as desired)
    *R = ds, 7s CL R * to make a tiny JK repeat 3 times
    *R2 = ds, 9s CL R * 3 times
    *R3 = ds, 11s CL R * 3-5 times
    *R4 =ds, 15s CLR* 3-5 times
    at any point , if the cluster is getting too jammed looking, I will add a chain of 2ds, then continue with more rings
    continue adding more repetitions of increased s stitches on the rings, until desired length and fullness are reached. Tie off and cut.
    I hope this is clear. Let me know if it isn't, or if you have any more questions.
    I'd love to see pics of your clusters!
    Oh, yes, one important point:
    when closing the rings, make sure your fingers on your left hand are holding down the stitches, or else they will twist and create lumpy bits.
    Happy tatting!

  9. Thanks Margaret!
    I do have quite a collection of lace patterns to knit once I get some more spare time ( ha ha hahahahah!) but thank you so much for the offer. I am very tempted, but, it seems I have far more patterns now than what I'll ever knit. hmmm, and more tatting patterns than I'll probably ever tat, and more crochet patterns for when I learn to crochet.......hmmmm there's a theme here! lol

  10. Hi Marjolein,
    The JK rings are tatted in a series, making a long cluster in one piece that I then sew onto the fabric. Sometimes I'll add smaller clusters or several rings together to fill out certain areas, but what I've done so far is just three large clusters. I think I want to add some more clusters, though. And then maybe some seed beads in the ring centers for a wee bit of bling.

  11. Love those Josephine Knots! Your Jewel block is so pretty; it will be treasured, I am sure. A friend in my quilt group just shared some antique pillow cases, and one had a very similar, if not the same, lace edging. I think it was done with smaller needles though. Very pretty!

  12. Love the way you are using the tatting, Suz! You have been busy!

  13. Thanks Jenclair! I just love doing the Josephine Knot flower clusters!

  14. Nothing is more special than something made which is full of love and that beautiful piece for Jewel certainlt fits the bill. xxxx I have been thinking of you xxx

  15. Thanks Linda. I have been putting some love into each stitch! I just think of my sweet Jewel, and the love flows.....She's amazing, and she's stolen my heart for certain. Sending you hugs.........

  16. Stitching, tatting, crazy quilting, lace knitting - all looks great Suz. Specially like the tatted wisteria. I've put my attempts at tatting on hold right now but I haven't given up!

  17. I have a special attachment to the wisteria, I must admit. I love making it! Are you shuttle or needle tatting?

  18. And on this blog I love the clusters of Josephine knots - I saw that Margaret tatted them - and she told "with your help" - how nice.

  19. I do love tatting the JK clusters! And I love to share! Thanks, Anneliese.


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