Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Autumn Approaching

Just a few pics around the lovely spot I live, showing the touches of autumn.

My flowering shrubs are turning all shades of golds and burgundys
surprisingly, this clematis has bloomed
remember last week when I showed this tree with a hit of red?
 toadstools are popping up all over the forest floor
and growing on stumps
the  beaver pond has some colour, too
pops of chartreuse and orange

I spotted this tree.......the moss covered roots have grown down over a large boulder to reach the richness of the soil below.
leaves are falling, carpeting the forest floor with a riot of colour

this moss seems to grow faster at this time of the year. I wonder if it provides food for the forest creatures over winter?
Rockman, of course, seems impervious to all the changes around him.

I hope you are enjoying the changing seasons. I love the autumn with its crisper, sunny, bug-free days of colour. Do you?

Thanks for visiting.

Hugs from Suz


  1. Lovely post and pictures Suz. Autumn is definitely my favourite time of year :)

  2. Beautiful pictures! Thanks for sharing your lovely world.

  3. Thanks JPP!
    Hope you're having a wonderful day!

  4. Thanks, Starr. It's a beautiful spot.

  5. We don't have autumn here in Brisbane, so I've really enjoyed your lovely pictures.

  6. Thanks, Maureen, for commenting. I'm glad you liked my pics.

  7. How I enjoyed a walk around yoyur garden and seeing the colours and all that is happening. Things are changing here too, I have a magnolia flower appear the other day, autumn such a beautiful time of year usually but too too wet this time.

  8. Thank you for sharing your lovely pictures, I love the beaver pond, I have never seen a beaver or their ponds apart from photographs. Autumn is coming fast now and it seems so earlier this year which will make the winter longer.

  9. I'm glad you enjoyed, Margaret. We haven't had as much rain as usual this year, and what we've had has mostly been at night, so it's been a nice fall so far. Hope you get some sunshine soon.

  10. Hi Margaret, I've been lucky to see beavers several times on dry land, and I'm always surprised how much bigger they are than what I imagined just seeing part of a head skimming across the lake surface.
    They can be destructive taking down trees, but they also help the environment with their dams.
    I once saw two beavers, about the same size, standing on their hind legs, involved in a brawl! There was fisticuffs!

  11. gorgeous, gorgeous pictures. Do you want a permanent house guest?

  12. Great photo's, Suz. I like the colours of Autumn, but I don't like the wind, rain and cold weather. Here Autumn is starting too. I found some chestnuts today, but it's still sunny.

  13. Sure, Karen, anytime! You just have to promise to bring your needles and thread! Then we can sit on the west deck, look out over the lake and the forest, and stitch away!

  14. Me too, Annet! Today was sunny and not too cool and I was gathering pine cones.

  15. Lovely photos of Autumn. I am embracing this time of year more so than ever before. Falling into Autumn Bliss...

  16. It's my favourite time of year, Sherry, and I celebrated this year by purchasing one of Vicki's wonderful nests. ( do you know about her awesome nests?) An autumn one. It's gorgeous! So, I've begun embracing it, too. (Autumn, not the nest....I just caress the
    I've been gathering pine cones, and I've set out a bowl of decorative gourds with a ceramic pumpkin, and one ceramic jack-0-lantern candle holder and a vase of fresh flowers in my foyer..........what fun.
    Enjoy the crisp air....

  17. Lovely pictures as always Suz.I enjoyed looking,wish I live in a place like this and you are making me jealous :)

  18. Anytime you start to feel jealous Anita, just remember I have to drive 1 hr&40 minutes to get to the nearest fabric shop, or for thread......and then an hour and 40 minutes back home...........but it is a pretty spot....


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