Saturday, September 29, 2012

What's Doin'!

This past week I've been busy enjoying the lovely Autumn colours!
Here's a few shots from the yard:

Inspired by the outdoors, I dressed up the foyer:

As the weather gets cooler, my thoughts turn towards knitting, and so I finished these 4 scarves: 1 for my daughter in a red bamboo yarn that matches Jewel's dress, a frilly pink/burgundy/grey one for my friend, Shirl, and two pink ones for Jewel, knit in soft, suede-like yarn.

On the stitching front, here's my TAST- Knotted Buttonhole Stitch on my Jewel Block:

September's CQJP is complete with
some shiny green ribbon, green drizzles, and a blue-green bead
two rows of green rick-rack couched with green thread
dark green velvet ribbon couched with metallic green thread pistils
 a big green button, green trim, and silver sequins
makes a sparkly green and silver block!

I've added some more stems and JK cascades to Jewel's block. There's more stitching I want to do on the remaining seams, but I hope to keep the rest quite subtle, since Jewel is the Star!

(these two pics are scanned, so I'm afraid the colour isn't quite true)
I like how the cascades point to sweet Jewel.

At StitchMAP, I've begun a new course: RedWork!  It's fun learning new stuff!
During the last week, DH and I celebrated 39 years of marriage! Wow! ( and, yes, I was a child bride..... teehee teehee!)

Hope you've all had a splendid week, too.
Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. I'm always looking for rick rack ideas so appreciate your idea to put the two edges back to back.

    Such a sweet Jewel!

    Congrats on your anniversary too.

  2. Hi dear Suz,
    I so admire your fantastic view to your garden, OH what magic colours you have , all those pinks -yellow-and little green is so beautiful.
    Also I love your Jewel quilt, your stitching is stunning , and the little dear, such a cutie.
    Thankyou for commenting, and a happy sunday to you.
    xo, Dorthe

  3. Thanks Debra. I thought the rick-rack made an interesting pattern this way.

  4. Ah, Dorthe, I think I caught the colours at their height--they were just spectacular this morning,....but had the sun been Nice to see you pop by and leave lovely comments!

  5. That's a great idea for using ric rac...I had to look twice to know that's what it is. Your autumn colours are lovely (really had hoped to get up to Algonquin this fall, but don't know if we'll make it). AND - most of all, happy anniversary to you and your sweetheart!!

  6. Thank you! I think the colours are best when the reds and burgundies are nice and bright against the green, but some people prefer the yellows and golds as the dominant colours. You just might make it to algonquin for the leaf show if you go this week.

  7. I love the Autumnal colours.What a breathtaking view you have.Very inspiring.
    Love your stitching.

  8. Beautiful fall colors. You've been busy creating wonderful things.

  9. Suz Dear your Fall colors are much further along than ours. Our weather is still too warm I suppose. Your knitted scarves out of bamboo yarn are quite delicate and beautiful. Love your CQ stitchings. Jewel is the gem focal of the block however your cascades are stunning and bring the eye right to her little photo. Falling into Autumn Bliss...

  10. Thanks Judy. It's a lovely place for sure, and we love it. Now, if we could only pick it up and move it closer to the city.........
    Ah, well, enjoy the good.

  11. I think I was lucky to catch the pic this morning. The weatherman is calling for rain, and that would probably bring the leaves down off the trees............
    I've been having lots of fun!

  12. Sherry, we've been having night temps hovering near the freezing point, so that might explain the colour. I wish I had a magic stop watch, so I could freeze the time for a little while, and enjoy the warm days of autumn for longer. Thanks for the lovely comments.

  13. Great photos! Your fall is a bit ahead of ours. Love the scarves. Is that frilly one done with ruffle yarn? The jewel block is fabulous! Wish you lived close enough for a tatting lesson, and a redwork session. I love redwork!

  14. Hi Suz, thanks for sharing your garden with us, autumn is a wonderful time of year, shame winter follows it!
    Your blocks are wonderful, you have me hooked on the josephine knots now, was doing them at a guild meeting yesterday and have to take the book next month as others want a go, all thanks to you.No one seems to have heard of needle tatting here in England, I am doing something about that!
    the knotted butttonhole stitch works well, so many stitches we have done and still 13 more to go and we still will not have done half of all the stitches.

  15. Congratulations on your wedding anniversary,

    Thank you for sharing your beautiful pictures you have a lovely view, I am so envious my view from my windows are nothing like that.

    Gorgeous stitching, I love the pink/blue scarf.


  16. Hi Suz, I love your gardens colours they are amazing and your idea of decorating the foyer is very nice. I love your last two blocks too and the flower is brilliant.
    Rgs Renata

  17. Congratulations on your anniversary, Suz! Loved your post - you made me laugh :)

  18. thanks for these pictures, the colors of the threes are wonderful.
    your patch looks very nice !

  19. What wonderful fall colors! Your entry way looks very nice too.

    Your block is lovely, and I'm inspired to try making a cq block myself, something I've never done. I hate using the sewing machine, don't even know if I have a working one.

    Congratulations on your 39th anniversary.


  20. Thanks Margaret. I'm so glad you're spreading the word about needle tatting! Hurray!! ( I hope to teach an intro course to the Tuesday Stitchers in 2013) I'm glad I'm not the only one hooked on the JKs! Keep going.

  21. Thanks so much, Margaret. The pink/blue scarf is actually pink/burgundy/grey, but the colour didn't come out true. The yarn is called Sashay and knits up in an evening! Fast and pretty.

  22. Renata, thank you for the lovely comments!

  23. Hi Starr. I supposed you laughed about me being a child bride? Well, I was just turned 20 when we were married. Sometimes it seems a long time ago, and other times it doesn't seem long at all. I'm happy if you got a chuckle- I love to make people laugh.

  24. Thank you Isabelle for leaving such a nice comment.
    Hope you're having a good day.

  25. FlowerLady, you can piece a block using hand-stitching rather than by machine, if you prefer. The machine is faster, but, it would make yours more hand-made, I think.
    I got hooked doing the embroidery on a pre-made block, and had so much fun, I decided to start making my own.

  26. Happy Anniversary! Thanks for the fall colors inside and outside. Your stitching is just gorgeous.

  27. you have been very busy! Love that picture in your foyer....

  28. Thanks Barbara! I do love those JK cascades!

  29. Oh, what a nice fall colors.
    The knotted buttonhole stitch looks lovely on that seam. Variegated threads are beautiful, aren't they?
    I am absolutely in love with your JK cascades. I plan to integrate them on the violets quilt.

  30. The colours of fall are indeed gorgeous and your pictures are lovely. You've certainly been busy with knitting, TAST, CQJP and now a RedWork course! Looking forward to seeing what redwork you're doing. Happy Anniversary :)

  31. The JK cascades will look fab on your violets quilt!
    I'm really glad I took those pics when I did: we've had a day of rain and drizzle, and some of the trees have lost leaves, and others have lost the colour intensity.
    I love variegated threads, and can't get enough of them. Is that why my wallet is always empty?

  32. Love what you've done! The thread on the knotted buttonhole is a great color variation. This week's theme on 52-photos is orange, and I'm so tempted to steal one of your pics! You better post it there before I can do that. =)

  33. Thanks JPP! I'm enjoying learning new techniques with the RedWork course. I'll post pics later when I have some work done. Have a great week!

  34. Go ahead, CQ4Fun! Use my pic if you like.....
    Have fun!

  35. So, I did put one up! I put it on desertskyquilts, though. That's where all my 52-photos posts go.

  36. Happy Anniversary Susan! What a milestone that is, and not easily achieved...especially for someone as young as you must have been - wink, wink
    Your scarves are so pretty -and colourful - and pink! And I love that knotted buttonhole stitch. I am definitely putting that one on my list, I get so tired of doing the same ones over and over and over again...

  37. Thank you Jillayne. I sent you an email.


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