Saturday, October 6, 2012


Sorry I've been quiet this past week: our daughter and family returned last Sunday, so there's been no time for stitching! Lots of time for playing, and cuddling, though.
This is a long holiday weekend in Canada celebrating Thanksgiving! Our son and DDIL will soon arrive to share the festivities. I have so much in my life for which to give thanks!
Wishing everyone a wonderful weekend.
I should be back next week.
Thanks for visiting.
Hugs from Suz


  1. I wish you and your family a wonderful Thanksgiving!
    Yes, we have so much to be thankful for.
    xoxo Marjolein.

  2. I hope you have a great weekend, I think cuddling with that bundle of joy would be a full time job.

  3. I hope YOU have a wonderful weekend....such a cute baby!!!

  4. And a happy thanks giving to you also! I hope you enjoy your family and holiday :D

  5. Happy thanks giving and have wonderful week end with your family Suz. A cute baby.....

  6. She sure is a "cutielicious"! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family dear. Making memories is so very important. Blessings...

  7. Hi Suz,
    seing our kids and grandkids, are the best ever- especially when we don`t live close- it is wonderful when they visits.
    My own daughter ,sil and the kids will arrive here next sunday, and I look so forward seing them
    Enjoy your lovely family, and have fun.

  8. have a wonderful time with the family, we will catch up with you later in the week

  9. Jewel is just gorgeous no wonder you love her to bits. She is going to love her cushion from grandma. Even though the house seems empty you have some wonderful memories of the visit to keep in your heart.


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